Bible Reading: Genesis 13: 5-13, 14:12-16 Memory Verse: Open my eyes [to spiritual truth] so that I may behold Wonderful things from Your law. Psalm 119:18 (AMP) There is more to see than the physical eyes can see. We all need the miracle of open eyes. No wonder the Psalmist cried out in our memory verse, “Open my eyes…”. He knew it takes more than the physical eyes to see beyond the natural. Many married their enemies because they were spiritually blind and could not discern the potholes of the enemies. Many are working in the wrong company at the moment because their spiritual discernment wasn’t sharp enough to perceive danger in the nearest future. They, like Lot, went for a land full of milk and honey in the present, but looming with danger in the future. May every battle disguised as blessings in your life scatter, in the name of Jesus. Brethren, what is your motivation in life and destiny? There was a late blind Prophet who lived in Ede, Osun State, Nigeria many years ago. Though he was physically blind, he gave directions to the high and mighty of his time. On a particular day, while he was walking along with some persons, he told them to be careful because a snake was crawling by, and true as he said, the snake almost bit one of them. That’s the miracle of the open eyes many of us need before we take both major and minor decisions in life. How did you know where to settle in destiny? What prompted that choice? You need the miracle of open eyes when you want to settle for a job, marry, choose a career, buy a land/property, go on a journey, etc. A child of God was about to embark on a journey by air when he had a prompting in his spirit not to go. Though he had paid for his flight ticket, he declined going. That saved his life because the plane later crashed. The miracle of open eyes is not reserved for only pastors, and so called spiritual giants. As a matter of fact, spiritual giants today were once spiritual babes yesterday. The miracle of open eyes is reserved for all the children of God who have chosen to be led by the Spirit of God (Romans 8:14). Such have submitted their spirit, soul and body to the government of the Holy Spirit. Today, if you don’t want to fall into the ditch of life anymore, submit your life totally to God, repent of any known sin and ask the Holy Spirit to come into your heart. Quote: Not all open doors are divine doors. Prophetic Decree: Walk over any pit prepared for the devil for you, in Jesus name. Prayer Focus 1. Thank you Father of light, in Jesus name. 2. I break the head of the serpent hunting for my soul, in Jesus name. 3. Here I am Holy Spirit, lead me into your perfect plan for my life, in Jesus name. 4. Unlike Lot, I refuse to make a decision that will later hunt my destiny, in Jesus name. 5. I receive grace for divine directions in all I do, in Jesus name. BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Psalm 119:1-88 |