DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post September
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Wednesday, 4th September, 2024

Bible Reading: Acts 15: 25 -26

Memory VerseMen who have given up their lives for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Acts 15:26 (YLT)

How do you feel when you ask your 8-year old of his future ambition and he says, “I want to be a missionary.” That is rather bizarre in this time and age, and that is why this generation is increasingly becoming powerless. A missionary is an evangelist on an evangelical mission outside his domain. Some common plights missionary face with practical examples and possible solutions include:

1. Cultural Insensitivity: Missionaries arrive with a belief that their culture’s religious practices are superior, unintentionally disrespecting existing traditions. This can lead to a clash and resistance from the local population.

Example: A missionary doctor in a remote village prioritizes Western medicine over traditional healing practices, causing tension with the villagers.

Solution: Missionaries can understand the local culture of the people, learning the language and customs. Collaboration with local leaders and existing religious figures is crucial to ensure their message resonates and complements, only replacing existing beliefs when it contradicts the standards of Christ.

2. Language Barriers: Difficulty communicating effectively due to language barriers can hinder establishing trust and understanding the community needs.

Example: A missionary struggle to explain basic hygiene practices to a village due to language barriers, leading to misunderstandings and resistance.

Solution: Focusing on language learning before entering the field is vital. Utilizing translators or partnering with local missionaries who speak the language fluently can bridge the communication gap.

3. Disease and Physical Danger: Missionaries working in remote areas may face exposure to unfamiliar diseases and lack access to proper medical care. Violence and political instability can also pose physical threats.

Example: A missionary working in a war-torn region gets caught in the crossfire.

Solution: Missionaries should prioritize health and safety training, including vaccinations and first aid. Except when particularly commanded by God, missionaries should choose areas with established support networks and working alongside experienced missionaries can mitigate risks.

Quote:  I am willing to go anywhere, especially among the cannibals – Mary Slessor, a woman known for helping to stop the common practice of infanticide of twins in Okoyong, in Cross River, Calabar, Nigeria.

Prophetic Decree:  Let a new crop of intelligent and fore brand missionaries arise to the nations in Jesus name. 

Prayer Focus 

1. Thank you Father for the lives of all missionaries at the front line of the Gospel of Christ. 

2. O Lord, grant this generation a burden for evangelical and missionary work in Jesus name

3. Holy Spirit, please give missionaries grace and wisdom to break the barrier created by culture, in Jesus name. 

4. My Father, please grant missionaries the grace to understand and speak fluently the language of the natives, in Jesus name. 

5. Wisdom and spiritual intelligence to conquer the land, be released unto all missionaries, in Jesus name.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Ezekiel 25-27

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