DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post September
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Thursday, 12th September, 2024

Bible Reading:  Joshua 1:8

Memory VerseThis Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. Joshua 1:8 (NKJV)

Having talked about the characteristics of the Word of God, it is time to talk about Bible Reading. Dr. D.K. Olukoya said: Now, if you want to become a good student of the Bible, you want it to be inside of you; then, one good practice which you must imbibe, is reading the Bible aloud. (Joshua 1:8). People in century gone by, particularly in those times that Christ lived, they spoke the word aloud (they read it aloud). That was what the Ethiopian eunuch was doing in his chariot. That was how they read the Bible. They read it loud and clear. Reading loud the word of God is powerful.

If you gather a large crowd, and say “Open your Bibles to Psalm 1…, and everybody begin to read loud and clear. Miracles take place anywhere they are pronouncing the word of God like that loud and clear. This was how they were reading the Bible in those days. They read it loud.

Now, when you read aloud, it slows you down to approximately 125-140 words a minute. That is half the speed of reading silently. When you’re reading it silently, it’s okay; but when you read it out loud, it has more impact in your life.

This is a powerful way you must learn to read your Bible. Why? It helps take the scripture through the gates of eyes and ears, and it is far more engaging than silent reading. Another problem of silent reading is that your mind can be wandering all over the place, so you may not be able to meditate.

When somebody is saying it, it’s just like when you’re praying prayers, and you’re saying it out, it engages you more than when you’re just praying it in your heart. Many people’s heart is like a big market place, all kinds of things goes on there. 

If what I am telling you now is a new idea to you, when you start, you may find it very awkward at first. So, if it’s something that you don’t have the privacy to do, then look for a private place where you can talk. I encourage you to try it. That’s why you see sometimes, those who read the law, you find them reading it out. It’s not just meditating on it alone. It must not depart from that mouth hence, you read it aloud. When you read it aloud, it sinks deep into you. Your eyes are engaged, your mouth is engaged and your ear is engaged, so you focus, unlike when you’re just saying it from your mind.”

Quote: Want to hear God speak to you? Read your Bible. Want to hear God speak to you audibly? Read it out loud! – Justin Peters.

Prophetic Decree: May you have a daily encounter as you read the Word of God, in Jesus name. 

Prayer Focus 

1. Thank you Father for the illumination in your Word. 

2. I receive an unquenchable passion for the Word of God, in Jesus name. 

3. As I open the Scriptures, I command illumination to every darkness in my life, in Jesus name. 

4. As I open the Scriptures, may I see the scripts of my life in the pictures on my mind, in Jesus name. 

5. I receive grace for the Word of God to dwell richly in my heart in all wisdom, in Jesus name (Colossians 3:16).


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