Friday, 26th August, 2022
Bible Reading: Matthew 7: 3-5, Isaiah 41: 10,13
Memory Verse: The LORD sustains all who fall And raises up all who are bowed down. Psalm 145:14 (NASB)
Ruling God out of the equation of your life is the number one recipe for failure in life and destiny. Other recipe of failure as learnt from Shane Elmore author of “The 4-Ingredient Recipe For Failure (And How To Avoid It)” include:
1. Excuses – I was always told as a kid that excuses are like armpits … we all have them and they all stink. An organization or person who makes excuses will never be able to accept that their failure could be a result of something they personally did or didn’t do. And this ignorance then sets them up to simply repeat the same mistakes next time.
2. Blame – When you fail, what is the first thing you do? For each of us the first thing we should do is to take a look in the mirror! Unfortunately though, many people immediately start looking for someone to put the blame on. This creates animosity and burnout and can ruin relationships as well as businesses. Instead, when you succeed in something, credit that to others’ contributions. When you fail, start with the only person you can change, which is you.
3. Fear – We are physiologically wired to respond in one of two ways when we are afraid: fight or flight. This response is a function of the sympathetic nervous system, and when activated with dopamine, epinephrine, and norepinephrine, we are mobilized to either confront the stressor or run from it. Often in our lives when we’re afraid of something, we avoid it for as long as possible, or “flee” from that thing or scenario. And while this response is probably a good one in a bear encounter, for most of the fears we face daily, the more productive approach is often to “fight” or face the fear head on in all wisdom. Fear is as normal as breathing, but with some savvy introspection you can make it work for you instead of against. When I sense that fear is driving my decision making, I start by admitting that I’m afraid. Then I ask myself, “is it true?” Most of the time, I’m afraid of something that doesn’t even exist or hasn’t actually happened. If there’s a chance that whatever it is that you’re afraid of isn’t true, then simply tell yourself a different story. Yes it is that easy. If it is true then it may be a good time to seek counsel.
Quote: There will never be any good excuse for your failure. Bounce back.
Prophetic Decree: I break that vicious cycle of failure, in Jesus name.
Prayer Focus
1. Thank you Father because you never fail.
2. I refuse to give myself excuse for failure, in Jesus name.
3. I decree: I shall bounce back. I shall not give up, in Jesus name.
4. Altar of fear in my heart, roast to ashes, in Jesus name.
5. I receive the emotional maturity to take responsibility for my destiny without apportioning blame or excuse, in Jesus name.
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Lamentations 3:37-66; Lamentations 4; Lamentations 5:1-22