DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post September
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Monday, 2nd September, 2024

Bible Reading: 2 Peter 1:5

Memory VerseJesus replied, “What is impossible with man is possible with God.” Luke 18:27 (NIV)

You are most fortunate if your parents serve Jesus. The mother to this particular sister told her she will never get married.  After several prayers and deliverance seasons, her husband manifested. Then it was time to have children, but she couldn’t get pregnant. Another bout of deliverance prayers started again. Sometimes, when a strong yoke is broken, an attendant curse is activated. This is the mystery of covenanted curse. Spiritual warfare is in various degrees, levels and shades, beloved. They decided to add spiritual intelligence to their fierce warfare. This is where many people who are going through hardship are perhaps getting it wrong. There may just be another key needed to open the inner door after you have opened the gate of your earnest expectations on the altar of prayers. Remember the Psalmist in the book of Psalm 24 talk about gates and doors. “Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in” (vs 7). Gates and doors are mutually inclusive but could function separately. We need to get spiritual intelligence in managing spiritual warfare. Consequently, together with her husband, they both decided to sow a seed of bus evangelism and give better attention to their spiritual growth. Prophetic seeds can be sown in cash and/or in kind. You generate power as you give yourself to kingdom service. And that was it! The curse of barrenness broke at 52 years old, after 15 years of marriage, and 8 years of menopause. Indeed, what God cannot do does not exist!!


1. Like it or not, our battles come in different dimensions, phases, and shades. There are deeply rooted problems and there are shallow rooted problems. Battles along the bloodline are usually deep.

2. The food you eat when doing manual labour is usually different from the food you eat when doing office work. Similarly, the prayers you pray when the battle is strong shouldn’t be the prayers you pray when the battle is mild. There are different types of prayers – Prayer of worship, thanksgiving, enquiry, supplication, deliverance, etc.

3. To your prayers, add spiritual intelligence. Wait on God to receive specific instruction(s) as you press on the altar of prayers. Fiery prayers usually open ancient GATES, while a prophetic seed (in cash and/or in kind) usually open the DOORS to your testimony. You need both. 

4. Keep lavishing your love on Jesus whether He has come through for you, or He is yet to come through for you. 

Quote: The greatest power is spiritual wisdom.

Prophetic Decree: Receive spiritual intelligence that will unlock your miracles, in Jesus name. 

Prayer Focus 

1. Thank you Jesus because you are the Impossibility Specialist. 

2. Any man or woman in my bloodline that has vowed that I will not be set free shall die a shameful death, in Jesus name. 

3. Any covenanted curse behind the mystery of what I am passing through, be broken in Jesus name.

4. O Lord, please reveal to me that final blow I must wield that will send the enemy packing, in Jesus name. 

5. The key to my long awaited testimony, I receive it, in Jesus name. 

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR:  Ezekiel 21-22

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