DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post August
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Sunday, 28th August, 2022

Bible Reading: Matthew 18: 21-22

Memory Verse Love prospers when a fault is forgiven, but dwelling on it separates close friends. Proverbs 17:9 (NLT)

The late king of a certain community had ten wild dogs. He used them to torture and eat any of his servants who made a mistake. One of the servants gave an opinion that was wrong, and the king didn’t like it at all. So he ordered that the servant be thrown to the dogs.

The servant said, “I served you for ten years, and you want to do this to me? Please give me ten days before throwing me to those dogs!” The king agreed.

In those ten days, the servant went to the guard who looked after the dogs and told him he would like to serve the dogs for the next ten days. The guard was baffled but agreed, and the servant started feeding the dogs, cleaning them, bathing them, and providing all sorts of comfort for them.

When the ten days were over, the king ordered that the servant to be thrown to the dogs for his punishment. When he was thrown in, they were all amazed to see the ravenous dogs only licking the feet of the servant as an expression of love!

The king, baffled at what he was seeing said, “What has happened to my dogs?” The servant replied, “I served the dogs for only ten days, and they didn’t forget my service. Yet, I served you for a whole ten years and you forgot all, at my first mistake!”

The king realized his mistake and ordered the servant to be set free.

This devotional is a message to all those who forget the good things people do for them as soon as they make a mistake.  Don’t put out the history that is filled with good because of a mistake you don’t like.

Quote:  Don’t forget the history that is filled with good because of a mistake.

Prophetic Decree: Thou spirit of anger and arrogance in my life, die, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus

1. I reject the spirit of irrational decisions, in Jesus name.

2. I receive grace to always make well balanced decisions, in Jesus name.

3. I receive wisdom to correct my past mistakes, in Jesus name.

4. I receive wisdom to manage relationship, in Jesus name.

5. I reject the spirit of error and betrayal, in Jesus mighty name.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Ezekiel 5-8

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