DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post January
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Sunday, 17th January, 2021.

Bible Reading: Psalm 89: 20-37

Memory VerseMy covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips. Psalms 89:34

I want to reveal to you the surest way to destiny fulfilment and destiny maximization in Year 2021. The way of covenant! Broadly speaking, there are two types of Christians:

A. Ordinary Christian.

B. Covenant Christians. Ordinary Christians believe in the finished work of Christ on the Cross and celebrate and maximize it but, covenant Christians go a little further. They go the way of sacrifice. Psalms 50:5 says, “Gather my saints together unto me; those that have made a covenant with me by sacrifice.” Every spoken word of God is a covenant but it must be activated via sacrifice. Covenant children of God are men and women of altars. Father Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David, Solomon, Israel, etc., were all men of altar.


1. A covenant is a mystery.

2. A covenant is a spiritual cord that binds God to Man. 

3. A covenant is a spiritual agreement that secures God’s irrevocable commitment.

4. A covenant is the greatest insurance against destiny failure.

5. Covenant will distinguish you.

6. Covenant will empower you.

7. Covenant will defend you.

8. Whatever God cannot do for a covenant partner, He can’t do for any other person.

9. The principle of covenant is called interchange. Interchange refers to a mutual give and take. Interchange is higher than partnership. Interchange includes three things: Integration, Collaboration and Exchange. It means God owns everything you have, and He will give you everything He’s got. You give God your all (not part), and God does the same.

10. God invests His integrity in His covenant hence; He is willing to do anything to defend it. God can kill to make a man alive because of the covenant He has with the person or a people.

11. You can go higher in covenant by the result that follows you.

12. Obedience to specific instructions may be a divine set up to establishing a divine covenant with God.

Quote: Covenant is the highest form of spiritual Interchange.

Prophetic Decree: What the Blood of Rams cannot do for you, the Blood of Jesus shall do for you in this Year 2021, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus

1. Covenant keeping God I worship Your majesty.

2. By the covenant of God, I run through the troop of Year 2021, in the name of Jesus.

3. By the covenant in the Blood of Jesus, I break every long standing evil covenants in my life, in Jesus name.

4. Foundational covenants of my father’s house, be broken, by the power in the Blood of Jesus.

5. Atoning power in the Blood of Jesus, speak at the gates of Year 2021 to all that concerns me, in Jesus name.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR:  Genesis 16-18

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