Tue Jun 20, 2017.
Bible reading: Genesis 14:19–20; 28:20–22, Matthew 23:23.
Memory Verse: And all the tithe of the land, whether of the seed of the land or of the fruit of the tree, is the LORD’s. It is holy to the LORD. Leviticus 27:30.
Tithe is one-tenth part of one’s income. It is 10% of every of your income. Your offering is given in appreciation of God’s faithfulness.
- To fail to tithe is to exclude God from what you do and to leave yourself to your own little ideas and wisdom.
- Tithe is not a matter of law or grace neither is it a matter of Old or New Testament but that of obedience and covenant.
- Abraham and Jacob obeyed the commandment to pay a tithe of one-tenth of their increase (Hebrews 7:1–10; Genesis 14:19–20; 28:20–22).
- When we pay tithe, we show our faithfulness to the Lord (Mal.3:8-10).
- You don’t only tithe on your income; you tithe also on the benevolences that come your way! Your tithe is your acknowledgement of receipt.
- Your tithe is your guarantee for continuous supply.
- Your tithe will keep the devourer at bay (Mal.3:11)
- Your tithe & offering is according to the blessing of the Lord upon your life.
- Your tithe is your passport to the world of abundance. There are no short-cuts!
- Your tithe and your offering enriches your destiny.
- Tithing is your visa to a Breakthrough Dreamland!
- The anchor law in the school of prosperity is the law of tithing!
- Bishops, Pastors, Evangelist, Church workers, Students and Parents are all expected to tithe personally. Organizations, multi-nationals, and Churches are also expected to tithe, corporately!
Quote: Life is never tight with a faithful Tither.
Prophetic Word: I close every door to the devourer you have opened to yourself, in Jesus name
Prayer Focus
Father Lord, forgive me of my unfaithfulness in my tithe. I receive grace to acknowledge God always with my tithes and offering. I refuse to lean on my own understanding. By my tithe, I will continually acknowledge Jehovah as my Source and my only true passion. I’ll not lack Divine provisions. Silver and gold shall flow into my bosom all the days of my life. Devourers shall not locate me, in Jesus name.