Sunday, 26th March, 2017.
Text: 1Corinthians 9:25-26.
Memory Verse: I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.
2 Timothy 4:7(NKJV)
My eyes tell me what is available from human standpoint. My eye is a representative of my senses. So, if I am feeling sickly, from the human standpoint that is correct! But if I have to find out what the Bible says. That should be the only evidence and fact I have as a Christian. There are times your pocket money has been paid into your account, but you are not aware that it has been paid perhaps because you haven’t been credited. Will you say you have money or not? Of course, you do, but you are not aware of it. If you are a Christian, from the time you made Jesus your Lord, the Bible became “the Truth”, but you may not be aware of what is yours.
You may not have been taught to that point in Church, you may have been taught against it or you have not studied to that point yourself. Stop reading the Bible as a literature book, start looking at the Bible now as your evidence. If you bring out a currency note, you will see a number, some photographs, etc. That is what everybody will see. But do you know that if you take it under a special light, you will see some other security features? You can’t see it with your physical eyes does not mean it’s not there. There are things loaded in the Word of God for you that you have not search out. Search the scriptures (John 5:39).
Quote: Take the Word of God today as your final provision, divine supply, assistance and evidence.
Prophetic Word: Receive grace to fight a good fight of faith, in Jesus name.
Prayer: Lord, I receive your Word as my evidence for the life you have called me to live. I choose to live by the truth of your word and not take what I can interact with physically as my final evidence in Jesus’ name. Amen.