DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post August
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Friday, 9th August, 2024

Bible Reading: James 1:19

Memory VerseLet no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. Ephesians 4:29 (NIV)

In this era of Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, WhatsApp and Tiktok, amongst several others, it is wise to take great caution. It is not everything you post online. Precious ornaments and stones are not usually found on the surface. Why the hype? Why are you desperate to trend? If you need to announce your success, then you have not arrived. Be wary of vain glory. Other reasons why you need to be careful about what you post online include:

1. Privacy risks: Once you share something online, it can be difficult or even impossible to control who sees it. Even if you think your post is private, it could be shared with others without your permission, or a hacker could gain access to your information. This could include sensitive information like your home address, phone number, or birthday.

2. Reputational damage:  The internet has a long memory, and anything you post online could come back to haunt you later.  This could be especially damaging when it comes to applying for jobs or colleges.  Employers and schools often look at social media profiles to get a sense of a person, and something you posted years ago could hurt your chances.

3. Safety concerns: Sharing too much personal information online can make you a target for criminals.  This could include things like your location, travel plans, or even just a picture of your house.  Criminals could use this information to stalk you, break into your home, or steal your identity.

4. Legal trouble: There are laws about what you can and can’t post online.  Posting things like threats of violence, harassing comments, or copyrighted material could get you into legal trouble.

5. Social awkwardness:  Even if something isn’t illegal or necessarily a privacy risk, it could still cause social problems.  Posting something embarrassing about yourself or others could damage your relationships with friends, family, or colleagues.

In conclusion, I encourage you to post more edifying contents that will promote unity and love. Your media space can also be used as a platform to market your products and services, and above all, a platform to evangelise Jesus.

Quote Use social media for good and lift others up, not tear them down. Stay on the high road. Keep your peace. Before you post online ask yourself two crucial questions: Does my content add to the space; or, is it just clouding the feed?

Prophetic Decree: Receive grace for wisdom and self-control, in Jesus name. 

Prayer Focus 

1. I am sorry Lord for my desperation to reveal myself when, like John the Baptist, I should remain in the wilderness until my showing forth.

2. I receive grace to stay put in the “cave of Adullam” until my time of manifestation comes. 

3. My Father, deliver my heart from vain glory, in Jesus name. 

4. Let the mercy of God prevail in any area where I have posted what could be used as an exhibit against me, in Jesus name. 

5. Wisdom of God, overshadow my life, in Jesus name. 

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR:  Jeremiah 7-9

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