Wed., Dec. 20, 2017
Bible Reading: 1 Thes. 4: 3-5
Memory Verse: Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let everyone that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.2 Timothy 2:19
Two young guys were speaking on sex. One of them became astonished having realized that his friend of about 28 yrs has not tasted sex for once. In our world today, this seems old fashioned and obsolete but alas, that is the standard of God. No sex before Christian marriage. He exclaimed, “But everybody is doing it”. Beloved, everybody is doing it does not make it right. God is not the God of the majority. God does not rule by popular opinion but by His Word. His standard is very sure. Sexual purity is possible though you may call it old fashioned. It is possible to keep yourself pure for your spouse until your wedding night. This was a celebrated custom very many years ago that is fast eroding. In some communities in those days, the blood stain due to the broken hymen will be brought out on a white cloth for celebration to show that the woman was indeed a virgin before marriage. Shame and ridicule befalls the parent of the bride who was disvirgined before marriage.
It is great deception to agree with anyone that all young adults are doing it. Even some very popular stars don’t do it. Celine Dion kept her virginity till she married at 26. Jessica Simpson also stayed a virgin till she married. She wore a purity ring which she received from her father, and religiously kept her promise to him. Andriana Lima married as a virgin at 27, and Taylor Swift. Not everyone is doing it. Virgins are not loner. It is a lie to attribute painful menstrual pain to virginity. This lie does not have any medical and spiritual basis.
Quote: Your virginity is your pride. Do not lose it carelessly.
Prophetic Decree: Receive grace to remain a virgin for Christ, in Jesus name.
Prayer Focus:
- Lord Jesus, I repent of any way I might have given out my virginity cheaply, in Jesus name.
- I receive power to guard my virginity in the name of Jesus.
- By your hand of protection O God, I will not fall into the hands of rapist, in Jesus name.
- Any evil label I’m carrying about on my forehead, be washed away by the Blood of Jesus.
- Evil magnet, break, in the name of Jesus.