Saturday, 25th February, 2017.
Bible reading: Matt. 25: 1-10.
Memory Verse: “That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him” Ephesians 1:17(NKJV).
Some people believe in prosperity. They know lots of Scripture as it concerns Kingdom wealth but have no Kingdom assignment or vision. Like the rich young ruler, they keep acquiring the ephemeral things of this transient world more than they need. They’ve forgotten that God doesn’t bless a man for his own selfish purpose but rather, to further His Kingdom. What a foolish virgin they are!
Some students are naturally endowed with powerful brain power. They have more understanding than their teachers (Psa.119:99). Unfortunately, instead of them using this grace as bait to direct other students to Christ during a tutorial class, they commercialize such grace. Worst still, they begin to have immoral relationship with the opposite sex, forgetting that freely have they received, freely must they give back (Matt.10:8). Such is a foolish virgin!
The problem with most Christians is the problem of having to strike a balance! Again, I say unto you, you need adequate Christian knowledge about Biblical truth. Jesus is waiting for a bride who will understand holiness, without downplaying deliverance, liberation, Kingdom prosperity, the power of vision, talent, & spiritual gifts. Be a wise virgin!
Quote: People perish because they lack knowledge.
Prophetic Word: May the Holy Ghost flush out every wrong doctrine that has caged your mind for so long, in Jesus name.
Prayer points
- I claim the wisdom of God; I refuse to function in foolishness, in the name of Jesus.
- I receive wisdom and revelation to have a balanced understanding of the Word of God, in Jesus name.