DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post July
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Saturday, 9th July, 2022

Bible Reading: Matthew 7: 15-23

Memory Verse: Beware of the false prophets, [teachers] who come to you dressed as sheep [appearing gentle and innocent], but inwardly are ravenous wolves. Matthew 7:15 (AMP)

Shall we continue to drink from the wisdom of PVO to the body of Christ. “Ignorance, foolishness and assumption are some of the reasons why people fall. A young lady fell into the sin of fornication and chose to confess to her mentor. Instead of helping her up from where she has fallen, this married mentor took her to a lonely place and demanded she raised her skirt. She was in shock and could not resist this man that started putting his hand inside her private part.

What manner of sexual abuse is this? There are many other stories of young girls with similar cases that will make one weep all day. Mentor turned torMENTOR. Married mentor, now a murderous mentor! Married Murderous Mentor! They protect their daughters and mess up other people’s daughters! Wicked and heartless men.

Not all of them are married though. Don’t use your position, influence, fame or money to defraud and destroy those who trust you so much because their Saviour is not sleeping. You sleep with young girls that call you “Daddy”. What kind of heart do you have, sir? Yet, you still go on the altar to preach? The pulpit will soon pull you to the pit if you do not repent.

Many beautiful young girls walking about have been emotionally damaged by so called mentors and brothers who are wolves in sheep’s clothes with their instruments of mass destruction between their two legs. Now, listen to me damsels of God. Any mentor making an attempt to touch sensitive private part of your body is a fraud. He deserves no respect from you.

He is a wicked mentor. Anyone that is asking for the size and colour of your undergarments is going beyond his limit. Remove your shoes and carry them in your hands…Run! A true mentor and father knows that a singular act of sexual infidelity can wipe away years of labour in God’s vineyard. He knows that sexual immorality is a no go area if he is not ready to be a history while living. So, he will not toy with your emotions let alone touching your sensitive body parts and taking you to bed!”    

Quote: There are many wolves in sheep clothing. Be warned.

Prophetic Decree: Receive your deliverance from any tormentor who appear as mentors, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus

1. Lord, please open my eyes of understanding to see who to run away from, and who to be open with, in Jesus name.

2. My moment of weakness shall not be converted to moment of pain, in Jesus name.

3. Evil spirits that converts mentors to tormentors shall not locate my mentors, in Jesus name.

4. I refuse to be a prey of the devil in moments of my weakness, in Jesus name.

5. O Lord, please give me the spirit of discernment, in Jesus mighty name. Amen.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR:  Isaiah 1-4

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