Saturday, 1st January, 2022
Bible Reading: Psalm 84:11, 2 Corinthians 3:18
Memory Verse: The glory of this latter temple shall be greater than the former,’ says the LORD of hosts. ‘And in this place I will give peace,’ says the LORD of hosts. Haggai 2:9 (NKJV)
Congratulations. You made it despite all odds into Year 2022. This is a sgreat thing of joy. This year, you shall step into greater measures of God’s blessings and breakthroughs. It is your year of greater glory. I’m incredibly excited about what God is doing and wants to do in your life. If there is one desire that God has for you, it is that His glory, in a measure greater than you have ever experienced, be seen upon you and your loved ones!
Beloved, experiencing God’s greater glory means that you will experience more of His favour, healing, protection, and supply than you have ever experienced before. If you have a bad habit you would like to break, believe that this year, it will be broken once and for all. If you are trusting God for a place to live, expect not just an apartment or house, but a home that is filled with His love, peace, and joy. Maybe you need a job. Well, expect to be blessed with one that is beyond your expectations! Make room for even more of God’s goodness!
Whatever you’ve been praying and hoping for, believe that it will indeed come to pass. Even if you’re already experiencing an abundance of God’s favour and blessings, can I ask that you stretch your tents? Enlarge your heart and make room for even more of God’s goodness! Don’t forget you can’t connect to your future while you keep your gaze in your past. Whatever happened last year – perhaps you suffered the loss of a loved one, failed an examination, lost a contract, suffered a miscarriage, etc, are not worthy to define the celestial rain of greater glory God has designed for your life this Year 2022. He has promised you what eyes have not seen, what ears have not heard, and what has not entered into the heart of men. Cheer up. Affliction will not rise up the second time, in Jesus name. Welcome to your Year of greater glory.
Quote: Only a great God gives a great glory because as He is, so we are!
Prophetic Decree: This year, you shall experience a new wave of glory, in Jesus name.
Prayer Focus
1. The God of New glory, thank you for a new year.
2. The God of new beginning, hallow be thy name.
3. The God of Greater glory, receive all praise.
4. The ghost of Year 2021 shall not haunt me in Year 2022, in Jesus name.
5. Heavens over Year 2022 shall continually be opened, in Jesus name.
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Genesis 1-3