DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post September
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Friday, 27th September, 2024

Bible Reading:  Isaiah 53: 3-10

Memory VerseBut He was wounded for our transgressions, He was crushed for our wickedness [our sin, our injustice, our wrongdoing]; The punishment [required] for our well-being fell on Him, And by His stripes (wounds) we are healedIsaiah 53:5 (AMP)

Until you have a revelational knowledge (not mere head knowledge) about Christ’s finished work on the Cross, your healing may not be in view. Our faith is no faith if Christ hadn’t resurrected. 1 Peter 2:24 (NKJV) says, “Who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness—by whose stripes you were healed.”

Do you know you that via revelational knowledge you can stand on the finished work of Christ as affirmed by the aforementioned scriptures, and that sickness in your body must check out, and that cancer in your body must dry up. Jesus has paid the price for your total healing – healing in your spirit, healing in your soul and healing in your body, why should you be sick? Why should you be a consistent consumer of drugs when Zoe (the life of Christ) dwells in you? Why should you be going from one hospital to another, or from from one medical consultant to the other? Why should you remain on your hospital bed at this hour?

Without a good health, it is impossible to maximise destiny. You need a sound mind in a healthy body to prosecute your purpose on earth.  I am here to provoke you to the realm of dominion which has been given through the finished works of Jesus on the Cross of Calvary. Tell your body: BY JESUS’ STRIPES ON CALVARY I AM HEALED. Tell that cancer in your body: BY JESUS’ STRIPES ON CALVARY I AM HEALED.

Tell that pain: BY JESUS’ STRIPES ON CALVARY I AM HEALED. You need to shout it on top of your voice with deep convictions in your heart as many times as possible and then the devil and his demons orchestrating that pain, sore or discomfort will go back to hell. The devil has taken you for a ride for this long, take back your health today. Today, the demons in charge of your health causing any form of sickness, diseases, discomfort, must jerk back to hell. Welcome to divine health.

QuoteEnforce your healing because Jesus paid for it by His stripes. 

Prophetic Decree: Let the healing virtue from Jesus flow right now from the crown of your head to the sole of your feet, in Jesus name. 

Prayer Focus

1. Terminal sickness living in my body, dry up, in Jesus name. 

2. “As soon as they hear me they shall obey” says the Scriptures in Psalm 18:44. Any cauldron of darkness cooking any organ in my body, break by thunder, in Jesus name.

3. I speak to the cancer in my body, dry up, by the finished work of Jesus Christ of Nazareth on the Cross of Calvary. 

4. I speak to any pain or migraine dwelling in my body, by the finished work of Jesus Christ of Nazareth on the Cross of Calvary.

5. By the authority in the name of Jesus, let the Zoe life flowing as a result of the finished work of Calvary heal me totally, in Jesus name. 

6. Sing the song, “Burdens are lifted in Calvary…” available on YouTube.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR:  Nehemiah 6-7

Hymn:  Burdens Are Lifted At Calvary

Song by Bill & Gloria Gaither and Ladye Love Smith

Days are filled with sorrow

Days are filled with sorrow and care

Hearts are lonely and drear

Burdens are lifted at Calvary

Jesus is very near

Burdens are lifted at Calvary

Calvary, Calvary

Burdens are lifted at Calvary

Jesus is very near

Troubled soul, the Saviour can see

Every heartache and tear

Burdens are lifted at Calvary

Jesus is very near

Burdens are lifted at Calvary

Calvary, Calvary

Burdens are lifted at Calvary

Jesus is very near

Burdens are lifted at Calvary

Calvary, Calvary

Burdens are lifted at Calvary

Jesus is very near

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