DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post September
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Friday, 24th September, 2021

Bible Reading: Ephesians 5: 22-33

Memory Verse: Nevertheless let each one of you in particular so love his own wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband. Ephesians 5:33 (NKJV)

God’s desire is that your honeymoon will never stop. Watch against the following:

  1. Over familiarity between spouse: Now that you are married, do you still dress and scent well in order to woo your spouse? Beloved, even in marriage, don’t stop wooing each other.
  2. Neglecting your prayer altar: This is the power house of the home. Once it is quenched, every other thing will soon go wrong.
  3. The challenges of parenting: Your children have been given to you by God to bless the union, please do not allow them come in-between you as couples. “There is a difference between marriage and family,” so says an 80-year old married woman. You are married to your spouse only. Your children are only a part of the family. Couples, take decisions in unity. Never love your children above your spouse. They will leave you someday to go raise their own family.
  4. Third Party intrusion: As much as possible, couples should learn to solve their problems privately. However, bring in a neutral person (not family members) such as your pastor should there be any serious issue.
  5. Wrong use of words: Bitter and hurtful words said to your spouse are like sharp knives in the heart. Words are living. Choose your words carefully. When angry, don’t talk. Be matured. Stop using divorce to threaten your spouse. Stop it. Words provokes spirits.
  6. Domestic violence: Either physical, emotional, financial, social or psychological violence, flee from any form of domestic voilence. Don’t you know? You hurt yourself when you hurt your partner. You are one.
  7. Keeping record of the past: Marriage is for the matured. If you are not ready to forgive your spouse 70 times 7 times everyday, please do not marry.
  8. “Bedroom business”: The only acceptable zone for mutual sexual satisfaction is within the confines of marriage. Why then allow your spouse to burn? Your bodies now belong to each other.
  9. Money issues: Be as open as possible to each other. Work it out. The spirit of mammon must not take hold of your home.
  10. Influence of parents and in-laws: Respect and love your parents and in-laws. However, set healthy boundaries.
  11. Ineffective communication: If the problem of EFFECTIVE communication is solved, all other problems will fizzle out.
  12. Broken trust and love: Couples must avoid any form of infidelity or falsehood.
    Quote: Don’t ever stop working on your marriage.
    Prophetic Decree: I command all demonic intruders in your home to catch fire, in Jesus name.
    Prayer Focus
  13. Thank you Father for giving me a home and not just a house.
  14. I receive wisdom from the highest to build my home, in Jesus name.
  15. My marriage shall work, in Jesus name.
  16. Seeds of discord sown into my home, be uprooted, in Jesus name.
  17. Holy Spirit, please correct my paradigm about my spouse, in Jesus name.
    BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Esther 6-10

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