DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post July
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Monday, 19th July, 2021

Bible Reading: Romans 6: 14-19

Memory VerseYou have been set free from sin and have become slaves to righteousness. Romans 6:18 (NIV)

I believe in deliverance (Luke 4:18). It remains one of Jesus’ cardinal ministry on earth. But, it is better to stay delivered than to keep seeking for deliverance. Shall we examine what opens the door of our lives to evil spirits making one a perpetual deliverance candidate:

1. Sin habit: Bad and sinful habits such as pornography, masturbation, erotic music, erotic magazines, erotic videos, issuing curses, lying, etc, opens the door of the heart to evil spirits.

2. Fear (Job 4:13-16): Fear is a torment. Fear is an evil spirit. When fear enters, faith exits. Fear is the opposite of faith. What you fear, you can’t conquer. Fear is so powerful that the Bible recommended three other spirits to overpower it – the Spirit of power, the Spirit of love and the Spirit of a sound mind (2 Tim. 1:7). Many fear various things such as water, height, darkness, the future, etc.

3. Emotional hurt (Prov. 13:4): A broken spirit who can mend? With the pain of the past, scar of betrayal, jilt, rape, guilt, etc, the future remains bleak and in custody of evil spirits. You may not be able to change the past, but you can rewrite your future. Receive grace to develop mental toughness to forge ahead, in Jesus name.

4. Occultic involvement (1 Sam. 15:23): No one serves God and idols. God hates idolatry of any form. You betray your loyalty to God when you serve other gods. Your life becomes an epicenter for demons as you engage in occultic practices.

5. Alcohol and Drug usage: You defile your body, the temple of God when you drink alcohol, and abuse drugs such as tramadol, marijuana, etc. Then, demons have a legitimate hold on your life. In South America, Apostle Arome met a man who after sniffing what is called “crack” connects to the altar of his father’s house and begins to prophesy by the spirit of divination. Another will rush to a dunghill in order to give expression to the Belzebub spirit that has possessed him after sniffing drugs. Alcohol and indiscriminate use of drugs will harm you physically, mentally, psychologically and spiritually.

QuoteEvil spirits can possess the spirit, soul and body of a man IF given a chance.

Prophetic Decree: Come out from the pit of never ending deliverance, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus

1. Today, I renounce my sins and accept Jesus as my personal Lord and saviour, in Jesus name.

2. I break the yoke of masturbation, pornography and lewd desires over my life, in Jesus name.

3. I break the grip of fear and other negative emotions in my life, in Jesus name.

4. I renounce and denounce my involvement with occultism, in Jesus name.

5. I break the grip of alcohol and drugs over my life, in Jesus name.

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