DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post September
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2nd September, 2016.

Scripture Reading: 1 Sam 9 & 10.

Memory verse for the week:   Eph 5:16

“Redeeming the time, because the days are evil. “(KJV)

Hi teen. It’s the journey of another new day in our pilgrimage on earth. Wait a minute, did you read the reference of yesterday in 1 Sam 9? I encourage you to open the Bible as you go through this daily devotional.

In 1 Sam 9:3, Mr. Kish, told his son, Saul to go in search of his missing ass (donkey) with any of his servants. Saul carefully selected a servant whose name the Bible did not mention but who, nevertheless, was very instrumental to Saul meeting the Prophet Samuel and afterwards anointed as a king.  Saul got to a place called Zuph ( vs. 5) and wanted to turn back home having searched fruitlessly for the missing asses. This unmentioned servant was the one who encouraged him not to give up so soon but pay the seer (prophet), Samuel a visit. Destiny located him! He didn’t only find the missing asses, Prophet Samuel anointed him as the first king over Israel, God gave him another heart (1 Sam 10:9) and also, for the first time in his life,  he prophesied – on his way back home(1 Sam.10:11). Whoa…what a package. 4 in 1!

This unmentioned servant could be considered as a destiny helper. You know what? No one gets to the peak of God’s plan for his/her life without a destiny helper. Never forget this! Be humble enough not to jettison the suggestions of some of your friends, especially those that love God, whether they are from a rich or poor family. Divine helpers come in various shades. They come from just anywhere and sometimes; the aura surrounding them can cause one to likely take their suggestions or ideas for granted. Be sensitive in your spirit; despise no one. Your helper may be standing just by you. 

Glory to God.



  1. By the mercies of God, I’ll not miss my destiny helpers in the name of Jesus.

2. Power of transformation, fall upon me, in the name of Jesus.

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