DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post September
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4th September, 2016.

Scripture Reading: Eccl 3:1-8.

Memory verse for the week:   Eph 5:16

“Redeeming the time, because the days are evil. “(KJV)

Good morning to you this wonderful morning.  Before you slept last night, did you plan for today as said in our yesterday’s devotion?  Be ye a doer of the Word.

How can a teen effectively manage time?

  1.  Be careful of sleep: The hours required for sleep for an SS3 student preparing for SSCE is expected to be different for a JS1 student. Be wise. Sometimes you must learn to have less of sleep in order to accomplish a goal. Prov.6:10
  • Take smart breaks: Plan short break in between assignments especially the very hectic ones. Learn to relax your mind. It could be very rewarding and the needed impetus to achieving greater feat.
  • Do not procrastinate: Know that procrastination is the greatest thief of time in human history. Desist from such. (Procrastination is leaving what should be done now till a later time).
  • Flee from laziness: “Take a lesson from the ants you lazybones. Learn from their ways and be wise”. Prov. 6:6 (NLT)
  • Be organized:  Some students look for their pants, school homework, and sandals etc just at the moment when they need it. Put all of these items in their appropriate places where they can be easily accessible a night before. Learn to be pro-active (To be pro-active is to do things ahead of the time before they are ever going to be needed).



  1. I reject the spirit of procrastination and laziness, in the name of Jesus.
  2. I redeem my time, I redeem my years, in the name of Jesus.

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