DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post October
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Monday, 9th October 2023

Bible Reading: John 3:1-7

Memory Verse Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again. John 3:7

A father had two sons. At the point of death, he called both children. To the first son, he said, “Goodbye”, and to the second son he said, “Good night”. The first son got inquisitive and asked his father why he didn’t bid the same farewell to him and his younger brother.

His father’s answer is worthy of note. He said, “I said ‘goodbye’ to you knowing fully well that we may not meet again in eternity because you aren’t born again. I said ‘goodnight’ to your younger one because I know we shall meet again in eternity.

Death is only a transition to greater glory when you live in Christ.” He then added, “Son, for the umpteenth time, would you like to give your life to Christ?”. He took a deep thought in retrospect, and for the first time he genuinely surrendered his life to Christ. Praise ye the Lord.

Dear brethren, what shall be said concerning you at the end of life? A ‘goodbye’ or a ‘goodnight’. Your wealth, your affluence, your connections, your mansions, your education, your principles, your attitudes, etc, amounts to nothing as soon as you take your last breath.

All that matters is, “Are you born again and how well have you lived your life in Christ Jesus?” (John 3:16, Rev. 22:12). Brethren, it is not too late to surrender all to your Father. Stop chasing shadows. Jesus is reaching out to you today.

Prayer of Salvation: Lord, I recognize my sins today and I repent of them. I come before you and I surrender my life to you as my personal Lord and saviour, in Jesus name I pray.





QuoteGoodbye or Good night? The decisions yours!

Prophetic Decree: Every seal of the enemy upon the heart of men is broken, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus 

1. Miracle worker, please perform the miracle of transformation in my heart today, in Jesus name.

2. I break the siege of the enemy over the heart of men, in Jesus name.

3. Spirit of God, envelope my heart, in Jesus name.

4. We pray for the baptism of the Spirit of conviction and conversion on earth, in Jesus name.

5. Spirit of God, move over the earth and endear the heart of men unto you, in Jesus name.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR:  Matthew 12, Mark 3, Luke 6

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