SPIRITUAL LUST (2 Corinthians 13:5, 2 Peter 1:10-11)
As a minister, you need to check our motives. It may surprise you that behind many of your love for ministry and mighty move of God through you, there is a lust attached. Really, what makes you desire to pastor a large church? What is the real motive behind holding a large crusade?
Why do you want to see every sickness disappear immediately at your touch? Why do you really want people slain under the power of God as you wave at them? Why do you want the spectacular and sensational? Why are you not satisfied with the supernatural when it is not spectacular?
While many of these great works are God’s will for you, you still need to vet your innermost intentions. Could it be for self or vain glorification? Are you sure you really want God to be glorified?
You don’t like prayer because it is not spectacular, especially when it will cost you your food or sleep. You don’t fancy personal study of the Word of God, evangelism or visitation. You see such as too strenuous.
Why do you keep looking for short cuts to power? Dear Minister, be careful of spiritual lust. Yes, that is it!
It is the same thing that makes people want wealth but they hate to work for anyone. They don’t like starting small. They don’t want the inconvenience of having to cut cost to save and plan, yet they want to live large and enjoy soft life.
Is your search for power fuelled by lust? Perhaps you want to outshine the other Pastor?
If you continue with your lack of genuine love for God, affection for the Word of God, prayer, and evangelism, you may soon be lured by Satan to visit a shrine in your search to gratify your lust for power. You may soon join a cult. Stop it now. You need to sincerely check your motives.
When the ‘ordinary’ things that really matter becomes boring to you. When you love pleasure and hate labour. When you love power more than service. When you love quick fixes and fast results. Jehovah sharp sharp is your God and Prophet Suddenly is your mentor. It won’t be long, you will go the evil way. You will realize the way of destruction is usually very fanciful and attractive. Examine yourself today.
Prayer: O Lord, please deliver me from spiritual lust today, in Jesus name.
Assignment: Please watch the film, ‘Prophet Suddenly’ by the Winlos on YouTube