You are welcome to Year 2024. May this new year bring new possibilities for you and your household, in Jesus name. May the earth bring forth of its goodness to you and your family, in Jesus name. This year has been tagged, “From Glory To Glory”. The fullness of God is trapped in His Glory. This is otherwise known as God’s Manifest Presence.
A man of God could be gifted with the healing anointing, and when he ministers, all those who need healing will be healed. But what happens to those in the same service who need direction through prophecy, financial miracle, fruit of the womb, debt cancellation, etc? Such is not with a man who carries the glory of God. As he appears, he begins to distributes gifts according to individual needs. Similarly, when your life is charged with the glory of God, divers possibilities open up.
God customises His dealings for your life to suite every need in your life. You become a wonder to many. People may not be able to give full explanations to what is happening in your life, but they cannot deny the unusual testimonies oozing out of your life. Your life becomes a wonder. Everything you touch becomes gold. This year, I encourage you to strategically position yourself for a daily dosage of the glory of God. Right now, lift up your hands and say: O Lord, fill me up with your glory. So shall it be, in Jesus name.