DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post December
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Friday, 17th December, 2021

Bible Reading: Galatians 2:20, 5:17

Memory VerseMy old self has been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. So I live in this earthly body by trusting in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. Galatians 2:20 (NLT)

What do you see in a cemetery? Amongst all other things, a cemetery is a place of peace. A cemetery connotes an atmosphere of peace, togetherness, family, love, community, etc. There are no works of the flesh that can be attached to a cemetery. The flesh is the reason why we kill other people’s businesses, why we are envious, why we keep malice, why we have animosity, why we are bitter, etc. When we don’t die to the flesh, we will have problems in our relationships.

We will have problems with our children, neighbours, families, congregations, shepherds, etc. Leaders will have problems with their flocks. The flocks will have problems with their leaders. There is no rancour or problem found in the cemetery. The flesh is the reason why we have issues as couples, friends, and as co-workers. For peace to reign in your relationship, your flesh has to die. You’re too sensitive and that is why you get easily offended. You are too alive and that’s why you remember things that were wrong in your past. You’re too alive and that’s why you keep records of things that was done against you. You’re too alive and that’s why you’re unforgiving, bitter, and full of animosity.

You need to die. Die beloved. Die to self. Look at the serenity and peace of the graveyard. It’s simply because they are dead. They are in peace and harmony because they are dead. 30 years from now, they are still in togetherness and in peace. The only reason for increase in divorce rate is simply because we are too alive to the work of the flesh. Oh, they stepped on my toes. Die. Oh, who do you think you are? Die. Don’t you know me? Die. When you die, nothing will move you and nothing will matter.

You need to die. Die to that bitterness. Die to that hatred. Die to that past pain. Die to that defeat. Die to that unforgiveness. Die to those hurtful words. Apostle Paul said in 1 Cor. 15:31b, “I die daily”. So, once you wake up every morning, get ready to die some more. You will never have a bad day once you make up your mind to die. It doesn’t mean that you’re stupid. It simply means you have your flesh under control. The only way out of work of the flesh is to walk with the Spirit of God (Gal. 5:17).

QuoteWe are fools for Christ’s sake – 1 Cor. 4:10a

Prophetic Decree: May the Lord take you deeper in absolute crucifixion, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus

1. Thank you Jesus for your work at Calvary.

2. Today, I exchange all the works of my flesh for the life of the Spirit, in Jesus name.

3. Holy Spirit, possess my heart, possess my soul, and possess my spirit, in Jesus name.

4. I nail every bad habit in my life to the Cross of Calvary, in Jesus name.

5. Lord Jesus, help me to walk daily in the Spirit that I may totally crucify all the works of the flesh, in Jesus name.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR:  Philippians 1-4

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