DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post January
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Friday, 3rd January, 2025

Bible Reading: Acts 4: 33-35

Memory Verse:  And with great power the apostles gave witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. And great grace was upon them allActs 4:33 (NKJV)

Yesterday, we started looking at what led to the release of great grace upon the Apostles. Today, we shall take a deeper look into these dynamics:

4. Custodians of Great Grace must be fearless and dogged: Apostle Peter and others refused to be silenced. The miracle of the man at the Beautiful gate drew the hearts of many to Jesus. As a result, the Sanhedrin (council of elders) decided to threaten them. They spoke back as Apostles of the Lion of Judah, “For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard.” Acts 4:20 (KJV). Nothing should ever shake you out of your faith. 

5. Custodians of Great Grace must be ready to face persecution: Many are not ready to be partakers of the fellowship of the suffering of Christ. This generation focus more on what God can give, and not what we can offer God. This year, don’t focus primarily on your needs but on His needs. Don’t focus on His hands, but on His face. Our God is not a taskmaster. Believe me, it is a great privilege doing business with the Lord. No matter the persecution that comes in your line of duty, be sure that with God, you shall overcome.

6. Custodians of Great Grace share their resources with others (Acts 4: 32-37): The bond of love and unity amidst the Apostles and early Christians led them to sharing all things in common. You can’t say you love the Lord and you hoard your resources all to yourself. Small minds think only about themselves and their family. Great minds think about others, the society, and above all, God’s kingdom.

7. Custodians of Great Grace value association with other believers (Acts 4: 23): Desist from “Isolated Christianity” this year. You talk to no one after Sunday service. You don’t attend group meetings, and neither do you have a house fellowship. Who then will you anchor on in the day of adversity? You will always need a support system. No man is an island. There is no armour to protect the back of any believer. Hence, we are expected to shield one another from the arrows of the enemies targeted at our back. 

8. Custodians of Great Grace are men of  fire prayer (Acts 4:31):  Both personal prayers and collective prayers have their place. The effectual fervent prayers of the righteous man availeth much. As the Apostles went back to their company, they prayed for renewal of grace, and the Lord baptised them with great grace. Congregational prayers are one sure way of generating the great grace needed to further the kingdom of God. 

Quote:  Great grace is the cure for sweatless advancement in all that pertains to life and godliness.

Prophetic Decree: This year, great advancement shall follow you as a result of great grace, in Jesus name. 

Prayer Focus

1. Thank you Father for the promise of Great grace this Year 2025.

2. I receive a fearless and dogged heart in the pursuit of destiny this year in Jesus name. 

3. Lord, I receive a willing heart to be baptised in the fellowship of your sufferings, in Jesus name. 

4. Holy Spirit, please work death in my mortal body, in Jesus name. 

5. My Father, revive my passion for kingdom advancement, in Jesus name. 

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR:   Genesis 8-11

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