DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post October
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Monday, 2nd October 2023

Bible Reading: 2 Samuel 13: 1-2

Memory Verse:  Amnon was obsessed with his sister Tamar to the point of making himself sick over her. 2 Samuel 13:2a (MSG)

What are the differences between infatuation and love? LOVE:

a. Love is godly.

b. Love grows out of godly friendship (you do not fall into it, you grow into it).

c. Love is not blind.

d. You use your spiritual sense and common sense here hence you know wrong from right.

e. It is patient. It waits till after the wedding before sex.

f. It shouldn’t disorganize you.

g. It puts God first. h. It lasts long and leads to a glorious marriage.

i. If you are in love, you will be in control.

j. It does not focus on outward attraction.

k. It is a good foundation upon which you can build your home as it is based on God.

l. It is an emotion mixed with kindness and compassion.

m. It comes from a mature mind.

n. It desires to give.

o. It pleases God


a. It emanates from flesh.

b. It starts fast, they call it “love at first sight”.

c. Infatuation is blind.

d. Common sense is absent here, hence, anything can happen.

e. It demands for sex before marriage!

f. It disorganizes as you do things out of your sense.

g. It idolizes the so-called lover, hence he/she is considered first before God or His word.

h. It does not last long and it produces bitterness.

i. If you are infatuated, you lose control of yourself.

j. It is based on outward attraction.

k. It involves eye service (pretense).

l. It disobeys parents and the church authority.

m. It is a bad foundation for marriage. Do not build on it.

n. It is only emotion without compassion.

o. It is from an immature mind.

With these differences in mind, examine whether you are indeed in love or infatuated. Test whether that person is in love with you or infatuated. One thing to bear in mind is that any relationship that is not based on God is not based on love.

Quote:  LOVE is made up of a strong affection and patience whiles LUST is made up of a strong affection and impatience. Affection is common to them, but patience is not common – IsraelmoreAyivor.

Prophetic Decree: Receive power to come out of any sinful relationship, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus

1. Father of love, I thank you.

2. Holy Spirit, please purge my heart from infatuation and lust, in Jesus name.

3. I bring my emotions and body under the subjection of the Holy Spirit, in Jesus name.

4. My emotions will not drive me to hell, in Jesus name.

5. I receive spiritual understanding to differentiate between love and infatuation, in Jesus name.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Matthew 1, Luke 2

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