DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post September
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Sat, Sept 2, 2017

Bible reading: 1 Samuel 16: 14-23

Memory Verse: Do you see a man skilled in his work? He will work for kings, not unimportant people.Proverbs 22:29(ISV)

I have seen people suffer untold hardship. I have seen people mock God as though He isn’t faithful to His promises. While some are suffering from spiritual ignorance, others are suffering from lack of understanding of established principles God uses to govern the earth. Beloved, your heavens may be saturated with blessings as promised by God, yet, you need to understand how to convert such into tangible wealth. From our text, King Saul looked for a man who is skillful with the harp to take away the evil spirit from God when it comes upon him and a teenage boy called David was recommended by one of Saul’s servants. God could use anyone, high or low in social status to push you to your next level. Remember it was a maid (house girl) that recommended Naaman, captain of the host of Syria to Elisha, the Prophet (2 kings 5:1-19).

In Economics, the entrepreneur is the most important factor amongst all other factors of production which includes land, labour and capital. Yet, the entrepreneur cannot independently achieve production without these other three factors. In the same vein, the anointing of God is what makes the difference in the life of an individual, yet, cannot alone make up for success. You need to discover and develop your skill and talents to stand before your ‘king Saul’ (honorable men), like David did.

Quote: You are your greatest responsibility.

Prophetic Decree: Every power of the grave holding down your potentials shall die by fire, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus

  1. Holy Spirit of God, help me to discover myself, in Jesus name.
  2. Holy Spirit, reveal “me to me”, in Jesus name.
  3. I receive grace to discover talents, in Jesus name.
  4. Power of transformation, enter into my life today, in Jesus name.
  5. My eyes of understanding, open by fire, in Jesus name.

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