DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post September
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Sun, Sept 3, 2017

Bible reading: 1 Samuel 16: 14-23

Memory Verse: Never be lazy, but work hard and serve the Lord enthusiastically.  Romans 12:11(NLT))

One who is indispensable is highly honoured. It is almost impossible not to have such men around in decision making. Such a person is known for excellence in everything he does and as such, stands tall amongst others and he is highly revered.

David could not only play the harp, he was equally a brave man and a warrior. He spoke well and was fine looking (1 Sam.16:18 NIV). What can we learn from this? The more value you add to yourself, the more indispensable you become.

Many years ago, I read a story in one of Dr Ben Carson’s books. Dr Ben Carson is an indispensable figure in Neurosurgeon. A young lady was working with a company. When she got married, she had to move to another country with her husband. When she tendered her resignation letter, the company rejected it because over the years, they have found her indispensable and difficult to be replaced. The company alternatively offered to foot her travelling bills anytime she so desires to go meet her husband.

How relevant are you in your school and neighbourhood; to your teachers, Parents, boss and ultimately, to the kingdom of God?

Quote: You are responsible for the value others place on you.

Prophetic Decree: Every power of the grave holding down your potentials shall die by fire, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus

1. I receive wisdom for profitable living, in Jesus name.

2. Holy Spirit help me to correct every character defect in my life, in Jesus name.

3. Father, deliver me from laziness, in Jesus name.

4. I will not labour in unprofitable venture, in Jesus name.

5. Powers contending with my destiny relationships, die, in Jesus name.

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