DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post August
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Sunday, 7th August, 2016.

Scripture Reading: Ephesians 5:18-20.

Memory verse for the week:   Isaiah 30: 21

Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” Whenever you turn to the right hand Or whenever you turn to the left. (NKJV)

In today’s devotional, we shall be reading about a young lady who was filled (baptised) in the Holy Spirit. Read meditatively!!!

 When I was saved, during a mighty movement of the Spirit of God in Glasgow, Scotland, a young lady was also saved. Her name is Helen Ewan. She was a girl that indeed surrendered her life to Christ. She was filled with the Spirit.

The rivers of living water simply flowed from that young girl’s life (John 7:37-39). When she died at the age of 22, all Scotland wept. I know hundreds of missionaries all over the world who wept and mourned for her.

She had mastered the Russian language and was expecting to labour for God in Europe. She had no outstanding personality; she never wrote a book, nor composed a hymn; she was not a preacher, and never travelled more than 200 miles from her home. But when she died, people wrote about her life story. Although she died so early in life, she had led a great multitude to Jesus Christ.

 She arose early each morning about 5 o’clock to study God’s Word, to commune, and to pray. She prayed for hundreds of missionaries. Her mother showed me her diary – one of her diaries – and there were at least 300 different missionaries for whom she was praying. It showed how God had burdened that young heart with a ministry of prayer. She had the date when she started to pray for a request and then the date when God answered her petition. She had a dynamic prayer life that moved God and moved man.

Answer these questions:

  1. Mention three lessons you can draw from the life of Helen?
  2. Helen learnt the Russian language; a training she had because she desired evangelizing Europe for Christ. Do you think your education can serve as a platform to reach out to other people for Christ? How?
  3. Do you wake up early to fellowship with the Holy Spirit?
  4. As the Holy Spirit ever told you to pray (intercede) for any other person apart from you and your family members?

A Spirit filled life commands great respect both in heaven and among men. The glory achieved by great men and women is indeed in their stories!!!


  1. Holy Spirit, make my life a living wonder, in the name of Jesus.
  2. By the power of the Holy Spirit, I shall make great impact for God in Jesus name.

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