DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post May
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Monday, 15th May 2023

Bible Reading:  Genesis 22: 1-14

Memory Verse For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept, Line upon line, line upon line, Here a little, there a little. Isaiah 28:10 (NKJV)

While pursuing your vision, you must be willing to make some adjustments, change some plans, but keep your goals constant. You must be willing to accommodate for the vicissitudes of life. Don’t be too straight jacketed. You must be willing to run some of your activities in parallel i.e. pari pasu, and crash a few others (willing to spend a little more resources to achieve your set goals in record time).

The methods can change even as you keep your purpose constant. If while solving a mathematical question, factorization method seems not to be good enough, “why stay there till you die”? Change the formula to completing the square method or quadratic formula; just make sure you arrive at the correct answer except your examiner states otherwise. Learn to be flexible with your plans.

Many Christians are wallowing in unfulfilled dreams causing a great pain in their heart. Yes, God gave them a vision, but they have not learnt to be flexible on the pathway of execution. Some other Christians don’t know that when God gives a vision, he also gives divine strategies for its actualization. They go to God to ask for His plans for their lives, but they haven’t learnt to be patient to receive a strategy / working formula for its implementation. This was one of the winning formula for David. His strategy for defeating the Philistines kept changing from time to time at the command of the Master.

One time, David went with his army to fight the Philistines, and at another time, he had to wait until the host of heaven went ahead of him on the mulberry tree before mobilizing his foot soldiers (2 Sam. 5: 22-25). The revelation of God is progressive. You must consistently be in tune with what God is saying because what He is saying may be different from what He has said. The same God that told Abraham to take his child “whom he loveth” to Mount Moriah to sacrifice to Him, was the same God who told him to suspend the killing of the child on the same mountain. Now, imagine if Abraham having received what God said set out to the same, but was not sensitive to what God was afterwards saying. Friend, be sensitive and flexible while walking with this mighty God. Walk with God per time. 

Quote What God is saying may be slightly or completely different from what God has said. Be flexible.

Prophetic Decree: May you understand the waves of the Spirit of God per time.

Prayer Focus

1. Thank you Father for your speakings in diverse ways.

2. I receive wisdom to know what God is saying per time, in Jesus name.

3. I shall not have a big vision but stranded without knowing how to go about it, in Jesus name.

4. I receive fresh baptism of the Spirit of wisdom, in Jesus name.

5. O Lord, flush the channels of my spiritual receptacles to receive constantly the latest waves from heaven, in Jesus name.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 2 Samuel 13-15

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