DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post December
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Sunday, 26th December, 2021

Bible Reading: Acts 9: 36-43

Memory Verse: Therefore, whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone—especially to those in the family of faith. Galatians 6:10 (NLT)

Being good to people is better than preaching a sermon. Being kind, compassionate, and affectionate speaks much louder than words. We should have a goal everyday to do at least one good thing to somebody. It doesn’t have to be their birthday, Christmas, anniversary, or valentine. Buy something for your spouse as you come home from work. At the mall, get a cloth for your friend. That young man that delivers goods to your house even though you don’t really know him, yet you can bless him with an extra $5 or $10. You may not be good to everyone on the planet, but you can be good to those God has put around you. You need to study them. Listen to what they are saying.

Be sensitive to their needs. There are many people who are in great need but are too shy to approach you. Some people don’t like talking about their problems. You really need to be sensitive to their needs else you will miss that special opportunity God is bringing your way to be a blessing. When you are good to people, you give God an opportunity to be good to you, too. You may not have the money to buy a big thing but you can buy a cup of coffee for a friend. Can you spend an extra time on that project with a friend?

Giving can be in cash and/or in kind. The Bible encourages us to give in love, cheerfully and not grudgingly (2 Cor. 9: 6-8). You hear a co-worker say he is taking his car for repair. Ask if you can give him a ride. You must always be on the lookout to be a blessing. If we are going to reach our highest potential, we must make up our minds to be a blessing. Not just in big things, but in small things too. Give a compliment. Pay somebody’s transport fare. Stay back to help a co-worker. All through the day, we should be looking for ways to be good to people. Today is boxing day. Go ahead to show a random act of kindness as God leads you.

QuoteSometimes it takes only one act of kindness and care to change a person’s life – JackieChan.

Prophetic Decree: Receive a giving and compassionate heart, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus

1. Thank you Jesus for giving us the gift of your son Jesus.

2. I come against the spirit of stinginess, in Jesus name.

3. I receive a heart that gives in love, in Jesus name.

4. Let the windows of heaven open for more than enough blessings, in Jesus name.

5. Help me Lord to give in season and out of season, in Jesus name.


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