DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post December
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Monday, 26th December, 2022

Bible Reading: Matthew 25: 31-46

Memory VerseAnd the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’ Matthew 25:40a (NKJV)

The origin of boxing day is founded on love, giving, and sharing. Bosses give their servants a day off from work to celebrate with their families. Please think of one thing you can do to bless the less privilege around you – your driver, your maid, your care giver, those in the rehabilitation centre, children in motherless homes, etc.  The joy of living is the joy of giving. Give sacrificially. Some people are so blessed yet, so stingy and miserly. What have you given your Pastor and cell/house fellowship leader who labour over you in word and prayers throughout this year? You do so for your own benefit. Some people don’t even see any reason to send a monthly stipend to their parents talkless of sending a special gift this season. Box a gift in cash and/or kind, and send to your biological and spiritual parents. They are gateways to your prosperity. When their soul takes delight in you, your heavens open. In advanced countries, do you know people give their doctors gift? A simple text message at a time like this to your boss may open the door to your next promotion. Every man and woman wants to be valued and appreciated. There are people who go for village outreaches at a time like this to share the love of Christ in cash and in kind whilst they harvest their soul for Christ. Come out of the cubicles of self and flesh. Go outside your comfort zones for Christ. Bless someone. There are some youths right now in remote places spending their resources and virtues for the Master. They have left the luxury of their comfort zones to sweep other people’s community, plait the villagers’ hair, get them foodstuffs, etc. While you eat chicken and pizza at anytime of the year, they only get to eat such luxuries at a time like this. You see, we could all be children of God, but we are separated into cadres by the reason of our sacrifices. Why do you think Dorcas was not allowed to die in the scriptures (Acts 9:36-42)? Why do you think Cornelius was the gateway to the Gentiles (Acts 10:1-6)? Why do you think Joseph the Arimatea’s name became memorable in the scriptures (Matthew 27:57-60)? Why do you think the woman who broke the Alabaster box at the feet of Christ will never be forgotten (Mat. 26:6-13)? It’s simple. They were all people who touched the heart of Jesus by their giving. Go and do likewise.

Quote:  We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give – Winston Churchill

Prophetic Decree: May your giving open the doors for you in time and eternity, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus

1. Thank you Father for giving Jesus to me sacrificially.

2. I bind and cast out every spirit of stinginess in my life, in Jesus name.

3. O Lord, baptize me with your giving grace, in Jesus name.

4. Henceforth, I shall offer my time, my smile, my encouraging words, my gifts, my talents, my skills for the benefit of mankind and the kingdom, in Jesus name.

5. Holy Spirit, please give me a fresh revelation of agape love, in Jesus mighty name. 


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