DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post March
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Don’t forget that the aim of this detailed personality study is to teach and train upcoming Christian entrepreneurs, business persons, and industrialist so that they may not fall into the pitfalls of those that have gone ahead of them. We need to learn from the strength and mistakes of others. Shall we round off our study about Mr Tunde Lemo, former Managing Director of Wema Bank Plc who later went to the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) as a finished regulator.

Lesson 10: Relationship

You need to invest in friendship. His principles in friendship are godliness, integrity and consistency. If you are ungodly, indolent, and you are someone that has an unserious disposition, you are not likely to be my friend. Mr Tunde Lemo is committed to all his friends, and he will not be happy to have someone who is not committed to him.


He worried about the future of his country, Nigeria. He believes we should emphasise our commonality and leverage our size and diversity for greatness. He believes we should copy examples of Indian, China, Malaysia, etc. Hate speeches and divisive conducts should be discarded by all.


He turned down an offer as an Officer in a popular bank a few decades ago. He was to do six months to be promoted to an Assistant Manager. He insisted that with his First Class Degree, the least he deserved was an Assistant Manager from day one. His friends that took up the job got confirmed in six months, while he was still looking for the same job. So, having rejected the job, he got a lesser job a year after. Those that accepted the job he turned down became my boss.


As much as possible before he sleeps, he tries to reflect on what he got right and what he did wrong.


By the grace of God, he has a foundation called Tunde Lemo Foundation through which he gives back to the society and help the less-privilege realise their dreams.


Classical and Christian music.

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