Tue, July 11, 2017
Bible reading: 2 Timothy 4: 9-16
Memory Verse: If you faint in a crisis, you are weak. Proverbs 24:10 (GWT)
- Ingenuine salvation: Many who are born into Christian homes have no personal encounter with God. They live having only with the head knowledge of God. Many of such fall away when the storms of life blow.
- Following God because of personal gain.
- The love of the World e.g. Demas walked away from Apostle Paul because he loved the transient things of this present world (2 Timothy 4:10).
- Lack of Discipleship: Discipleship is the process of following Jesus. A child of God who is not a disciple can be likened to a half cooked yam.
- Reluctance to work in faith. Many Christians need things they can touch, feel, hear & see forgetting that God doesn’t walk in the realm of sight but faith (Hebrews 11:6).
- Immediate gratification/ Impatience: Usually, God works steadily in His own ways. Many Christians, like the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32), aren’t ready to patiently wait on God to obtain their portion in due season. In the process of waiting, they backslide.
Quote: Never turn your back from the Lord.
Prophetic Word: May the Holy Ghost wake up your drowsy spirit man in Jesus name.
Prayer Focus
- Holy Spirit, give me oil in my lamb and keep me burning.
- I decree: I turn my back to the world and my face to Jesus.
- Powers in my root working against my faith, die, in Jesus name.
- I receive fresh appetite for the things of God in Jesus name.
- Witchcraft trap set up against my faith, die, in Jesus name.