DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post August
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Saturday, 20th August, 2022

Bible Reading: Jeremiah 16: 1-5

Memory Verse And the LORD God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for him.” Genesis 2:18 (NHEB)

Other challenges common to singles include:

  1. The challenge of third party intrusion: “He is always bringing his mum’s opinion into our discussions”, “Must she always tell her father what we discussed?”. These are some of common third party intrusions. Relax beloved. You may not be able to completely avoid that at the beginning of your relationship especially when your fiance or fiancee has been with his/her parents and siblings for over two to three decades. Lovingly win his/her trust. “You need to get matured” is one of those utterance that will spell doom if you continually say such. Emotional bonds are only broken or built over time. I will rather advice you probe into one or two things the people concerned are doing, and begin to imbibe such. ]
  • Love canopy: That brother hasn’t expressly told you his intentions yet he is always around you. Don’t you think you should sit down to define the relationship? Else, potential suitors may think you are already engaged.
  • Double dating: Those who do this are either ignorant or have never been genuine Christians all along. Don’t use that brother or sister as a backup plan. Don’t be wicked. Take your time to know what’s on God’s mind, and stick to it.
  • Sex pressure: Your adrenaline is trying to find expression but you must only give it expression in the confines of marriage. Else, you may have to live to regret the outcome. Dont ever think giving a man your body will keep him for you even when your marriage plans is on the way. Stay pure till your wedding night. It is possible. Sex done one minute before you get married is a sin unto God …the bed must be undefiled (Heb 13:4). Do well to avoid exchange of all body fluids such as kiss or peck. One thing usually leads to another in an emotional relationship. A little emotional spark especially when only the two of you are together is all that is needed, and as they say, the rest is history. Always meet in an open space. May the Lord grant you understanding.

7. Finance: Cut your coat according to your size is the watchword. I once saw a marriage of only 7 people in attendance! You can do your wedding in your Pastor’s office if you don’t mind. Don’t kill yourself over what is not. Wedding is for one day, but marriage is till death do you part. Concentrate on the latter. Dare to unfollow popular trend (Job 8:7). What you need is the consent of both parents and the blessings of your Pastor.

Quote: Your choice in marriage could determine whether you will fulfill your destiny and make heaven or not.

Prophetic Decree: Every marital spell working against me, be washed away by the power in the Blood of Jesus.

Prayer Focus

1. Thank you Father for your Word of insight.

2. I receive grace to be matured emotionally, physically, and mentally, in Jesus name.

3. I receive grace to walk in wisdom as a single, in Jesus name.

4. Any evil umbrella over my head, catch fire, in Jesus name.

5. Any financial blockage powered from the pit of hell against my marital settlement, clear away by fire, in Jesus name.

6. Lord, help me to paddle my own canoe, even as I grow in wealth and grace, in Jesus name.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR:  Habakkuk 1-3

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