DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post August
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Thursday, 18th August, 2022

Bible Reading:  Proverbs 3: 5-7

Memory Verse“I thank you, LORD God of my master Abraham! You have led me to his relatives and kept your promise to him.” Genesis 24:27 (CEV)

Discussion 1: A school of thought is of the opinion that God no longer choose a wife for anyone. You are the one to find one. They substantiate their opinion quoting, Proverbs 18:22 (NKJV) which says, “He who finds a wife finds a good thing, And obtains favor from the LORD.”

Insights 1: Beloved, that is one scripture often quoted out of context. Look at the Amplified version of the same scripture, “He who finds a [true and faithful] wife finds a good thing And obtains favor and approval from the LORD.” Emphasis is on the virtues of the wife.

Question: Are you the one that made her “true and faithful” save her Creator? By the way, what good thing can come out of a search void of God? Look at the Contemporary English version of the same scripture: “A man’s greatest treasure is his wife–she is a gift from the LORD.” A gift from God! You do little or nothing to obtain a good gift. It is borne out of favour. Like God did to Adam, go and sleep, brother. The arm of flesh shall always fail. God is most willing to lead you to your Rebecca if you will follow an Eleazar who typifies the Holy Spirit. Read John 15:5 and Genesis 2:18.

Discussion 2: Some young people are of the opinion that they must marriage their “spec”. What is your take?

Insight 2: Fine, there is a place of compatibility in marriage. But, compatibility shouldn’t be all about physical ephemeral things such as appearance, looks, societal status, place of work, bank account, etc. Compatibility should be hinged first on values. What are his/her value systems? Does your potential spouse prioritize God – Is God at the centre of his/her life? What are his/her views on purpose, living a legacy, giving back to the community, family life? etc. Things that have more eternal relevance and are most beneficial to mankind. Seek what matters to the heart of the Father, and every other thing shall be added unto you. In the long run, you will discover it pays to marry God’s perfect plan for your life.

Discussion 3: Should I ignore the weaknesses of a potential spouse even when I’m convinced God is leading me?

Insights 3: A father said, “God has given us brain that we might give him some rest”. Even the Bible says, “Watch and pray”. Don’t forget: Watching comes before praying. Don’t ignore the red flags of a potential spouse. Talk about it and together deal with it. However, be careful about your approach. A good intention may be wrongly implemented. You need wisdom. With prayers and counsel, he/she will get over it. Having done all, and there seems to be no tangible change especially on matters such as physical abuse and infidelity, let go of the relationship. A broken courtship is better than a hellish marriage.

Quote:  If God wouldn’t choose a spouse for you, you had better forget marriage. Who else knows tomorrow?

Prophetic Decree: Those waiting to laugh your marriage to scorn shall wait forever in vain, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus

1. I will not miss it in marriage, in the name of Jesus.

2. O God, please choose your best for my life, and help me to submit to your authority, in Jesus name.

3. Anti-marriage altars of my parents house, catch fire, in Jesus name.

4. What rubbished my parents marriage shall not rubbish my own marriage, in Jesus name.

5. I rebuke any manipulating spirit in my choice of marriage partner, in Jesus name.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR:  Jeremiah 38-40; Psalm 74, 79

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