Monday, 25th March 2024
Bible Reading: Acts 16: 1-4
Memory Verse: Then Ananias went to the house and entered it. Placing his hands on Saul, he said, “Brother Saul, the Lord—Jesus, who appeared to you on the road as you were coming here—has sent me so that you may see again and be filled with the Holy Spirit.” Acts 9:17 (NIV)
Can we be sincere with ourselves? There are certain men of grace you may never be able to access. Not because they are not approachable but because they are not sent from God to you. Moreover, their schedule may just be too busy to accommodate you. Apostle Nebai wrote: “I’ll never forget a message I listened to by Bishop David Abioye. In that message, he shared how a man came to meet him after several years of leaving their ministry, and was pleading to reconnect with Bishop David Oyedepo. He simply told the man bluntly, “You came late…” Simple.
Genuine Father-Son relationships are built on trusts, tests and trials. Fathers only invest their time and resources on trustworthy sons. You have to possess a good track record with them. Is it an impossible task to get these giants in the faith to father you? Of course not! But I tell you, it is no small task. I kid you not. Deep must call unto deep. Pastor Sam Adeyemi shared of how many years ago, he was almost struggling for the attention of Bishop David Oyedepo. When he saw that his whole efforts were becoming a wild goose chase, he went back to the secret place and got very busy with his life and destiny.
Years after, he bumped into the Bishop at the airport. When the Bishop saw him, he undeniably saw and knew that there was something unusual about him, and that was how a never-to-be-forgotten relationship began. Other than this, my friend, there are other men who are custodians and partakers of that same grace at work in these giants you’re desiring – and these men are very much accessible. The issue is that many are not ready to build, neither do they want to pass through the test of loyalty. They just want to progress without any process.
Any father who you cannot access, who has never communicated with you and who has never given you specific instructions is not your father in the Lord; he may be a “father figure”, but certainly not your father in the Lord. You may not access Elijah, but you have Jehu, Hazael and Elisha who are carriers of the same grace. You may not access Moses, but you have Joshua and the Seventy who are carriers of the same grace.
Quote: Accessibility is the litmus test for spiritual father-son relationship.
Prophetic Decree: May God connect you to the vessel needed for your lifting, in Jesus name.
Prayer Focus
1. Thank you Father for your Word of understanding.
2. Lord, help me to understand the difference between a father-figure and my father in faith.
3. Holy Spirit, connect me to the carrier of the Oil needed for my ascension, in Jesus name.
4. Father, please help me to discern the vessel you have commissioned to father me, in Jesus name.
5. I receive the grace to be a loyal and faithful son who can earn the commitment of a father, in Jesus name.
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Joshua 9-11