Tuesday, 7th September, 2021
Bible Reading: John 2:1-11
Memory Verse: Jesus replied, “What is impossible with man is possible with God.” Luke 18:27(NIV)
A dedicated woman was serving God wholeheartedly. She had a little capital of #250 (less than a dollar) which she uses for her pure water business. Obviously, she was groping in abject poverty. She decided to expand the frontiers of her business when an opportunity came up. So, she took a loan of #500 from her friend. One day, her daughter suddenly ran home because she was sent out from school. She was perplexed and gave all the money she had to her.
An hour later, her creditor came asking. Again and again she kept postponing until a day came when she decided to give her a full blown trouble in the same market where she was selling. A member of her House fellowship in Church who was around at that particular moment calmed the situation and settled the debts. This kindhearted woman decided to introduce her to milk business on a large scale. Surprisingly, she sold two (2) full containers of milk in less than two months making a whopping sales of #250 million.
Her life, situation and destiny changed. The God of suddenly appeared in her situation and her life took a dramatic turn. I decree by the authority in the name of Jesus, your situation is turning around for good in this season. Are you about to give up after having prayed, fasted, sow, and actively served God in your local assembly? Please have a rethink. The darkest night gives birth to the brightest morning. Labour becomes even more painful when it is closest to delivery. Jehovah El-Shaddai is coming soon into that situation, in Jesus name.
Your academic prosperity, fruit of the womb, job, admission, contract, and ministerial glory shall manifest hastily now, in Jesus name. Who art thou, O mountain, before the Zerubabbel of the reader of this devotional? You shall be made plain in the name of Jesus. Receive your healing, your deliverance, your car keys, your promotion, your house, your glory, in the name of Jesus. Relax, God is in control.
Quote: When the divinity meets with humanity, miracles happen.
Prophetic Decree: Henceforth, you shall receive supernatural transformation in your pocket, in Jesus name.
Prayer Focus
- O God of turn around miracles, arise by fire, in the name of Jesus.
- Holy Ghost, connect me today to my destiny helpers, in Jesus name.
- I pull down any wall of Jericho between me and my destiny helpers, in Jesus name.
- Foundational powers turning my destiny helpers against me, die, in Jesus name.
- Powers waiting for my unguarded moments to strike me, catch fire, in Jesus name.
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Ezekiel 35-37