DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post May
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Thu May 18, 2017

Memory Verse: Then Samuel said: “Has the LORD as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, As in obeying the voice of the LORD? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, And to heed than the fat of rams. 1 Samuel 15:22(NKJV)

Ask King Saul, he will tell you the consequences of disobeying God. His kingdom was taken away from him because of one single act of disobedience.

A brother shared this testimony. He desired to buy a car but he had a refrain in his Spirit to hold on. That wasn’t the next agenda for God for his life. He disobeyed and went ahead to buy the car, satisfying his exuberance and lustful passion. The car didn’t only sap his financial resources; it became a coven for all manner of witchcraft activity.

God’s instructions are not grievous. In the long run, they are for our own benefits. When will you stop running your life by your own wisdom and start to obey God. You may not know why, but, just obey! The song writer says, “Trust and obey, there is no other way to be happy in Jesus”.

A very bright student threw out the only copy of a textbook left in the School’s library through the window. He wanted to personalize a textbook meant for all. Unfortunately for him, he was caught. Though he was a first class student, he was rusticated for disobeying School rules.

You cheat to pass an exam, and you think you can use that certificate for anything worthwhile? You better restititute. You flout the law of God concerning keeping your body pure by drinking alcohol, prostituting, etc, and you think you can offer any acceptable sacrifice unto the Lord. You better repent. Why use your own hands to dig your own grave? God’s commandments are not grievous. Sometimes, God’s instructions may not make sense. You may not fully understand yet, you must obey. That is why it is called a commandment. Let Him Lord it over you today! You don’t serve God with your head leading your heart, you serve God with your heart (spirit) leading your head (senses).

Quote: Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft – Bible

Prophetic Word: May you never run faster than the Lord, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus

I confess and repent of all my sins of disobedience to you precious Father. Deliver me from the corruption in me. Empower me to live for you and work daily in your counsel. Help me to obey Almighty Father. I receive grace and faith to do as You bid me, in Jesus name.

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