DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post May
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Monday, 1st May 2023

Bible Reading:  2 Corinthians 3:15 -18

Memory Verse:  Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. 2 Corinthians 3:17 (NKJV)

Other ways by which our character can be more transformed into the image of Christ include:

6. Enrol in a discipleship class: As you read and listen to the Word of God, the water of the Word washes and purifies your heart breaking every yoke.

7. A desperate prayer: A passionate prayer coming from a contrite heart will surely attract the help of God (Psalm 51:5)

8. Flee from bad friends/evil association: A sheep that walks with a dog should be ready to eat faeces. Similarly, evil communication corrupts good manners (1 Cor. 15:33). You will surely look like the friends you walk with.

9. Burn the bridge: You want to break free from masturbation or pornography and you are still with your internet enabled phone alone in your room at night/midnight? Submit that phone to a higher authority or your parents until you are totally fortified against such temptation.

10. Deep self-control: Isaiah 64:7a (BSB) says, “No one calls on Your name or strives to take hold of You.” Also, Hebrews 12:4 (HCSB) says, “In struggling against sin, you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood.” Please be hard on your weaknesses. The kingdom of God suffers violence and the violent man must take it by force. Please don’t pamper your weakness. Deal with it squarely. You need to set stringent rules for yourself.

11. Kingdom service: As you spend your life seeking God and serving His kingdom, be sure some of your weaknesses will automatically give way (Matthew 6:33, Daniel 12:3).

QuoteThere can be no freedom or change without the fire of God and deep self-discipline.

Prophetic Decree: By the reason of the anointing, I break every evil yoke in your life, in Jesus name. 

Prayer Focus

1. O Lord, empower me to be lost in You and for You, in Jesus name.

2. I rebuke any stronghold in my life connecting me to my weaknesses, in Jesus name

3. Anointing that breaks the yoke, fall upon me by fire, in Jesus name.

4. O Lord, please give me a broken heart, and a contrite spirit, in Jesus name.

5. My weaknesses (mention such), be converted to my strength, in Jesus name.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 2 Samuel 5:1-10; 1 Chronicles 11-12

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