DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post May
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Monday, 16th May, 2022

Bible Reading: Romans 6: 11-18

Memory Verse: We know that our old sinful selves were crucified with Christ so that sin might lose its power in our lives. We are no longer slaves to sin. For when we died with Christ we were set free from the power of sin. Romans 6: 6-7 (NLT)

Did you notice the last prayer focus in our devotional tagged “Silent labourers” exactly a week ago? It says, “O Lord, if working in the background will please You, help me Lord to comply, in Jesus name.” Ask yourself: Do you really want to work in the background if that is what pleases God? Really? In this generation where everybody wants to be seen in the forefront. In this generation where everybody wants fame, access, recognition, limelight, etc? Haven’t you seen people who walked out of a ceremony because they were not called to the high table? They became furious and mad at the organizers. Haven’t you seen people who fought over seats in the public? To be candid, beloved, the nature of man is wired against the aforementioned prayer point.

This is the reason why we need to allow the Holy Spirit break and crucify us until we are lost and dead in Him. We must die to flesh and live to God. Until you’re dead to self, you won’t have the best of God for your life in this kingdom. Your flesh must die for your Spirit to live. This two war against each other so that you will not be able to do that which you want to do. How would you feel if God tells you to package a gift for your perceived enemy meanwhile all the “spiritual giants” around you are warning against such actions? But you know you heard God for yourself. Can I say this? There is a season in your life, God will deliberately allow other “giant voices” to speak contrary to what He is saying. May you not fail such hallowed test, in Jesus name.

It takes a man dead to the flesh to obey and yield completely to the Master at anytime and anywhere; in season and out of season. All of you and none of me, dear Lord. “I die daily”. The flesh will react when you decide to fast. The flesh will react when you decide to pray at night. The flesh will react when you decide to study the Word of God. The reason why you could spend 5 hours with a season film but can’t spend less than 10 minutes with God daily is because your flesh is more alive than your spirit. Anger, fornication, masturbation, pornography, backbiting, gossip, resentment, bitterness, hatred, strife, unforgiveness, etc, are all evidences of the works of the flesh.

Way out:  Know for sure you have been crucified with Christ, therefore you must yield to all the prompting of the Holy Spirit.

Assignment: Read the book “The breaking of the outer man and the release of the Spirit” by Watchman Nee.

Quote:  Reckon yourself dead to sin and walk by the Spirit. This is the only way out of the grip of your flesh.

Prophetic Decree: Let the channels of your Spirit open up, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus

1. Sing the song: “I Am Thine, O Lord, I Have Heard Thy Voice” on page 104.

2. Thank you Father for hitting hard on my flesh once again.

3. I receive grace never to misrepresent you in my words and actions, in Jesus name.

4. Spirit of the living God, overshadow me, in Jesus name.

5. I command the breaking of my outer man and the release of my Spirit, in Jesus name.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR:  Psalms 3-4,12-13,28,55


1. I am Thine, O Lord, I have heard Thy voice,

And it told Thy love to me;

But I long to rise in the arms of faith,

And be closer drawn to Thee.


Draw me nearer, nearer, blessed Lord,

To the cross where Thou hast died;

Draw me nearer, nearer, nearer, blessed Lord,

To Thy precious, bleeding side.

2. Consecrate me now to Thy service, Lord,

By the pow’r of grace divine;

Let my soul look up with a steadfast hope,

 And my will be lost in Thine.

3. O the pure delight of a single hour

That before Thy throne I spend,

When I kneel in prayer, and with Thee, my God,

I commune as friend with friend!

4. There are depths of love that I yet may know

Ere Thee face to face I see;

There are heights of joy that I yet may reach

Ere I rest in peace with Thee.

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