DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post May
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Friday, 3rd May 2024

Bible Reading:  2 Corinthians 10: 4-6, Psalm 24: 7-10

Memory VerseAs soon as they hear of me, they shall obey me: the strangers shall submit themselves unto mePsalm 18:44 (KJV)

…Continued from yesterday. That began our battle with wild animals as I could not count the number of scorpions killed in that house including spiders. Little did I know that we have entered into spiritual warfare as life became tough. I lost my job first with IBPLC. Things became stagnant. No promotion for hubby. Expenses increased when baby came. Payment of bills became an issue and when that happened frustration followed suit.

Then I stepped into aggressive prayer as led in my spirit to fast and pray for 7 days. I began the prayer and on the third day I was washing in the bathroom when I decided to check my baby sitting in the baby’s trolley watching cartoon. As I got to the parlour, I lifted my eyes to the wall. I was shocked to see over 30 spiders assembled at a spot. What!!?? My body shivered.

Where did they emanate from? I don’t know as I have never seen such number of spiders at a spot in my life, not even in the village where we have bushes and trees. Meanwhile, before then, we have been experiencing cobweb tied around the house. No matter how you dust and clean before you wake up the next day they have tied rope around chairs and the house will look as if nobody lives there.

So I quickly picked my phone and informed hubby. He instructed that I should spray insecticides on them but I knew that it was not a spraying matter but a spiritual matter. When hubby came back we decided to go into midnight prayers to wage war against evil animals. For the weapon of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God (2 Cor. 10:4).

We prayed and prayed and God answered. In a dream one day, I saw a black goat rushed outside from our guest toilet with fear. When I woke up I knew it was a sign of victory. Friends if we don’t pray, one will become a prey in the hand of the enemy. Months after, God showed up. Hubby bought a new car. Two weeks after, I was called for a job interview with a bank through divine connection and same month I was pregnant.

Quote: The only language the devil understand is intelligent warfare baptised with FIRE.

Prophetic Decree: I chase out all strangers lurking around your home by the fire of the Holy Ghost, in Jesus name. 

Prayer Focus 

You can decide to pray these prayers for 21 nights in the midnight

1. Begin the plead the Blood of Jesus around your life, your home, your children,  and your compound.

2. Any conscious and unconscious initiation and dedication of my home, be broken by the power in the Blood of Jesus.

3. Authority of landlord spirit in charge of my home, be broken, by the power in the Blood of Jesus.

4. Authority of the spirit of the dead of any man or animal buried in this home, be broken by the power in the Blood of Jesus.

5. Lord of Hosts descend into the foundation of this house as the Lord over all, in Jesus name.

6. Let the foundation of this house unto the roofing become too hot for the enemy to handle, in Jesus name.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Psalms 106-107

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