DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post November
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Friday, 3rd November 2023

Bible Reading: Romans 13:1

Memory Verse:  Everyone must submit to governing authorities. For all authority comes from God, and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God.  Romans 13:1 (NLT)

Sexual purity ambassador, Pastor Victor Olukoju wrote: Don’t marry anyone that is not answerable to anyone! You love him, yes. You have peace, no doubt. God spoke to you, we understand. He is a child of God, we know. I still dare to tell you, don’t marry him/her if he/she is answerable to no one! Ask yourself these questions without allowing emotions to becloud your judgment:

Can you see the fruit of the spirit in him/her?

Is he teachable and humble or he knows it all?

Is he/she traceable?

Who is the authority figure in his/her life that can call him to order at any time?

Who is he/she answerable to?

What kind of person is that fellow?

Who is his/her Pastor? Not an arranged Pastor.

Who are the parents?

Who are the siblings?

We are not asking you to marry a perfect man/woman but warning you to take caution! Marriage is not for a while. It is for life… as long as you live! You will be asked to make that statement on your wedding day. You can’t afford to be casual about a choice that will last as long as you live.

Don’t be stampeded into taking a decision that you have not processed in God’s presence and with significant others. Be careful of a relationship that is fast cutting you away from meaningful people in your life! Be careful. You are walking away from valuable people you have known for years just because of someone that just showed up recently and all of a sudden you are madly in love and you are loosing control of yourself very fast.

Wake up! You are ignoring common sense for emotional rush! You better calm down and get sense. Holy Ghost sense. Don’t be stubborn and use your life as an experiment because you may not be the one to tell your own story. Patience is a virtue and one of the fruits of the spirit! Remember, he that believe will not make haste.

Quote:  Marry a person who submit to God and at the same time submit to God’s servant on earth.

Prophetic Decree: Receive grace to discern, in Jesus name. 

Prayer Focus

1. I receive grace to submit to God and His anointed, in Jesus name.

2. I receive the spirit of humility to submit to the anointing that will make me, in Jesus name.

3. O Lord, remove the spirit of pride in me, in Jesus name.

4. I will not marry my enemy, in Jesus name.

5. What disgraces other people’s marriage shall not disgrace me, in Jesus name.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Mark 11, John 12

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