Monday, 2nd August, 2021
Bible Reading: 1 Corinthians 15:55-57, Psalm 79:11
Memory Verse: I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the LORD. Psalm 118: 17 (KJV)
Death is inevitable. One day, it is a price we shall all pay. A serving government minister in sub Saharan African already paid in advance for a tomb in a place called Ikoyi cemetery in preparation for his death. Amongst the white, it is legally permitted to donate/sell your body for experiment or for meat just in case you die anytime. But, why must you die before your time? Why should the enemy use you as a satanic experiment?
On Calvary, Christ paid the price of death in full. This understanding will liberate your soul when confronted with any form of sickness or terminal illness. Should any member of the Church of Late E. W. Kenyon die before the age of 70, he will wake them back to life by the power of God. He stood firmly on the word of God which says no one below seventy years is expected to die (Psalm 90:10). Symptoms to watch out for when the enemy is trailing your destiny with the spirit of death include: suicidal thoughts, vagabond thought (thought of walking away from people), seeing yourself in the grave in your dreams, attending a funeral session only to discover that you are the one about to be buried.
Dreams of: coffin, seeing dead relatives, cemetery, ghastly motor accident, cemetery, etc, all points to the spirit of death at work in a life. When you feel someone is pouring sand on your body, a demon is chasing you around with a club, etc, the spirit of death could be lurking around. Terminal illness, unexplainable sickness, strange accidents, abortion, when you continuously engage in behaviours and activities that invite death such as reckless driving, life-threatening sports; drug and alcohol abuse, and other negative habits that display a death wish, etc, are all signs of the activities of the spirit of death lurking around.
1. Genuine salvation.
2. Disconnect your parentage from the spirit of death.
3. Renounce the spirit of death and hell.
4. Engage in personal and/or general deliverance.
5. Administer Holy Communion.
6. Speak the Word of God to your body.
7. Regular medical checkup.
8. Desist from alcohol, illicit drugs and life threatening sports.
9. Live with caution.
10. Lean on the grace of God.
Quote: The Jews looked upon a serpent to be freed from serpents; and we look upon the death of Christ to be delivered from death – Augustine
Prophetic Decree: Any unholy appointment with death is cancelled by the power in the Blood of Jesus.
Prayer Focus
1. Thank you Jesus for your victory over sin and death on the Cross of Calvary.
2. In the name of Jesus I renounce the spirit of death. I command it out of my body.
3. I come against coffin spirit, in the name of Jesus.
4. I provoke the covenant of longevity, in the name of Jesus.
5. I renounce any sickness unto death in my body, in the name of Jesus (Isaiah 38:1).
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 2 Kings 20-21