DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post October
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Wednesday, 5th October, 2022

Bible Reading: 2 Samuel 13: 1-15

Memory Verse Amnon became so obsessed with his sister Tamar that he made himself ill. 2 Samuel 13:2a (NIV)

In his quest to satisfy his immediate sexual need, Amnon, having sought counsel from his evil friend, Jonadab raped his half sister, Tamar.  As soon as the deed was done, he hated her exceedingly. You just can’t think straight when desperate.

Have you noticed that when looking for something missing at home or in your office, you may not get a clue until you calm down? No wonder Isaiah 30:15 (NASB) says, “For thus the Lord GOD, the Holy One of Israel, has said, ‘In repentance and rest you will be saved, In quietness and trust is your strength.’ But you were not willing.”

It is desperation that will make parents buy results of examination never attended for their children. It is desperation for vain glory that will make a parent to force his child to study a course he/she has no passion for. It is desperation that makes parent pay for special centres where examination malpractice goes on for their children.

After a qualifying match for the World cup, a particular country lost. Contrary to FIFA rules, the fans of this country went into the field of play and destroyed the properties in the stadium. Question: Why the destruction even if your team have performed below expectations? Can two wrongs make a right? They were simply desperate for a good result.

Can you imagine children fighting over their father’s properties? You mean you are so mentally impoverished to be fighting over a property you did nothing to acquire, even sometimes diabolically. Obviously such children are not in their right senses. Learn to take with a pinch of salt the material things of this world. Learn to let go. Some battles are not necessary, else you could die prematurely. Greed for more, selfishness, and entitlement mentality are all part of desperation.

You are a former governor, as such, you’re entitled to a pension. Now, you are vying again for the  Senate close to age 70. Why this desperation? When will you raise the next generation to take over from you? There is joy in seeing your successors do greater things. Receive grace to put on a thinking cap, in Jesus name.

Quote: Desperation can make you do things you never imagined you could do – Kakra Baiden.

Prophetic Decree: I rebuke powers sponsoring negative desperation in your life, in Jesus name

Prayer Focus

1. Thank you Lord for Spirit controlled temperament.

2. My Father, please quench the fire of negative desperation, in Jesus name.

3. I receive the spirit of contentment, in Jesus name.

4. I receive the spirit of wisdom, sound mind, and good judgement, in Jesus name.

5. I break the yoke of provocative demons over my mind, in Jesus name.. 

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR:  Matthew 4; Luke 4-5; John 1:15-51

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