DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post November
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Saturday, 20th November, 2021

Bible Reading: 1 Chronicles 12:32, Esther 1: 13-14

Memory VerseThe tribe of Issachar supplied 200 leaders, along with all of their relatives under their command. They kept up-to-date in their understanding of the times and knew what Israel should do. 1 Chronicles 12:32 (ISV)

Romans 8:19 NKJV says, “For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God.” But, you can only manifest to the degree of your understanding and preparation. This generation have to be wary of premature exposure. Glory has weight. The same glory God puts upon a man could crumble the man without adequate preparation. You remember king Solomon? Please don’t launch out before your time.

Apostle Arome Osayi started preaching as a young teenager. Before the city of London in the UK opened for his ministry, he applied to the British Embassy for a visa but was denied. He reported to his father in the Lord who was shocked. When his father in the Lord prayed, God told him, “It is not yet time”. Apostle Arome had the money and the influence to challenge the decision of the embassy but he didn’t. He simply didn’t want to launch out before God, His Master. Friend, do you know that your destiny has a calendar and time attached to it? There is a time and season for everything you will ever be.

This understanding will put your heart to rest. Those who follow their destiny time table / destiny calendar / prophetic time table will always appear at the centre stage of their lives just at the right time. They aren’t late neither are they too early. Be wise. Like the children of Isaachar who understood the process of time and their other brethren were at their command, those who follow their destiny time table gain command in the situations surrounding their lives and destiny. Follow your destiny time table.

You will need to develop intimacy with the Holy Ghost in order to understand what to do per time. Be wary of premature manifestation be it in career, academics or ministry. Why should you decide to travel to a foreign land through the desert in search of a greener pasture? Your greener pasture is where the voice of God is. The city of London finally opened to our dear Apostle with an invitation for a 4-day ministerial trip six years after he first applied without struggle. And consequently, the entire Europe has opened unto him today.

Please don’t launch out before your time. While we are to pray against satanic rejection on our way of progress, we are also to thank God for those rejections and closed doors God Himself brings our way in order to mature us before revealing us to our generation. May you not expire before your time, in Jesus name.

Quote:  Follow God, Follow your destiny time table. That’s the secret of enduring good success.

Prophetic Decree: The pages of your destiny shall not elude you, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus

1. The owner of times and seasons, all glory belongs to your name, in the Highest.

2. I receive wisdom to work circumspectly, in Jesus name.

3. Holy Spirit, please give me a preview of your divine calendar for my life per time, in Jesus name.

4. I reject hasty spirit and rush mentality of this age, in Jesus name.

5. Open my eyes of understanding O Lord to your deep counsel for my life, in Jesus name.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR:  Acts 11-12

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