DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post June
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Wednesday, 15th June, 2022

Bible Reading: Proverbs 14:34

Memory Verse:  When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; But when a wicked man rules, the people groan. Proverbs 29:2 (NKJV)

A time comes in the life of a nation where we must sit down and think. We cannot continue to do the same thing and expect a different result. Africa shall be great again. Mr Ayo Akinfe once wrote, “Nigeria was founded on the basis of the fact that she could supply Europe with commodities she needed at particular points in time. First of all it was human cargo in the form of slaves and then it later became palm oil once the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade was abolished in 1833. I ask myself why we have not continued with that trend. As the world’s largest black nation, Nigeria has got to be one of humanity’s greatest providers, only this time, to our own benefit.” He further said, “In South Korea, the national slogan is: ‘Anything we don’t produce we don’t need.’ Until we can mass produce cars, we should all stick to riding bicycles in my opinion!

What blew my mind is the fact that Nigerians love cars. We have about 12 million cars on their roads but alas 95% of them are imported. How dare we have such a passion for a product we do not produce. Again, do you know that by 2025, the global bicycle industry will be worth $75bn? Across large swathes of Europe and Asia, urban dwellers are abandoning their cars and are opting for bicycle. Is there anything stopping one Nigerian state governor go to a city like London, Beijing, Berlin, Paris, Kuala Lumpur, Amsterdam, Tokyo or Brussels and offer the Mayor there a deal whereby a Nigerian factory will manufacture and deliver one million bicycles within six months? To realise this dream, however, we need a private sector to step into the void. Looking at Nigeria today, I only see Innoson Motors and Dangote Industries. Not having enough of these private sector industrialists and manufacturers is the greatest weakness of the Nigerian economy.”

We need selfless and innovative people in government who will see tomorrow from today. While age is not always in numbers, and wisdom is not always in age, we need to strike a balance. Take it or leave it, we need think tanks filled with the Spirit of God to drive our nation forward.

Quote: Until we change as individuals, we may not see the change we truly desire as a continent.

Prophetic Decree: Saboteurs of the African continent shall be utterly disgraced, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus

1. Thank you Father for your love for Africa.

2. Holy Spirit please change our mindsets as a continent, in Jesus name.

3. Continental curse working against Africa, break by fire, in Jesus name.

4. Any evil covenant our ancestors made with principalities in the heavenlies working against Africa, be cancelled by the atoning blood of Jesus, in Jesus name.

5. Revival fire of God, restoration anointing of the Holy Ghost, and inspiration that leads to innovation, envelope the continent of Africa, in Jesus name.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR:  Psalm 134, 146-150

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