Sunday, 1st May, 2022
Bible Reading: Hebrews 11: 8-11, 17
Memory Verse: It was by faith that Abraham obeyed when God called him to leave home and go to another land that God would give him as his inheritance. He went without knowing where he was going. Hebrews 11: 8 (NLT)
Jesus identified only two people in His earthly ministry whom He said had great faith – a Roman centurion (Matthew 8: 5 – 13) and a Canaanite woman (Matthew 15: 21 -28). Great faith says even if it does not belong to me legitimately, yet I can still have it. Ruth is another example of an heathen that partook of the covenant God made with the Jews. She had great faith.
Your faith can also move the mountain of:
- Debts: In 2 Kings 4:1-7, as the widow kept her faith in God and through Prophet Elisha, she came out of her embarrassing debt situation. Similarly, despite an embarrassing debt hanging on late R.G. Letourneau, he paid off the pledge he made to God in his Church. Just about then, the God of miracles stepped in. He became a multimillionaire in dollars.
- Pain and hurt: As Corrie Ten Boom held the hands of the soldier who killed her sister, her faith in God supplied the much needed positive emotions needed to forgive and forget the past.
- Uncertainties: At one point or the other, we shall all get to a point where the only sustaining factor is our faith. Read Hebrews 11:8, today’s memory verse again.
- Barrenness or Dead womb: There are several testimonies of dead womb of women come alive by the force of faith. Elizabeth gave birth at old age. A 59-year-old woman once gave birth WITHOUT a caesarian operation.
- Lack of admission into the University: Bro Dare kept going for medical student’s lectures while waiting for his admission letter. God did not let down his faith afterwards. Today, he is a practising medical doctor.
- Late marriage: Now Mrs Erumena Akpoghene-Adaiah. The first time she ever got married was at age 64. Her faith in God pulled her through her waiting season.
Quote: The same faith that delivered Daniel from the lion’s den gave the apostles fortitude to die a most shameful death. Your faith in God will not always prevent you from all problems, but most assuredly, it will always strengthen your heart while you pass through them – Hebrews 11: 35- 38
Prophetic Decree: Enter into the hall of fame of faith rulers, in Jesus name.
Prayer Focus
1. I receive the spirit of faith, in Jesus name.
2. I receive the gift of faith, in Jesus name.
3. I break down any barrier between me and my next level by the power of faith, in Jesus name.
4. Every mountain of impossibility in my life, become plain by the force of faith, in Jesus name.
5. Holy Spirit, please strengthen my convictions to trust in You at all seasons and in all circumstances though it cost, in Jesus name. Amen.
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 2 Samuel 5:1-10; 1 Chronicles 11-12