DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post August
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Saturday, 6th August, 2022

Bible Reading: 2 Kings 2: 1-13

Memory Verse He also took up the mantle of Elijah that had fallen from him, and went back and stood by the bank of the Jordan. 2 Kings 2:13 (NKJV)

Imagine if the brother in our yesterday’s devotional didn’t have a spiritual father, he could have been another wounded soldier; another casualty in the body of Christ. He had a noble intention unlike most Christians in the 21st century Church, but he did not have the needed spiritual capacity. A spiritual father is needed to bridge the gap. Fathers will always be fathers. We must learn to climb on their shoulders in order to see deeper and farther. They are not men without human faults or weaknesses though, but we must focus on their spiritual capacity and spiritual stature. Children who despise their God-sent father will surely die in oblivion. There is no two way about that. Mind you, the spiritual virtues they carry may never rub off on your life without you fighting desperately for it.

Ask Elisha. The mantle of Elijah was not given formally to Elisha even though God had told the former that the latter will be a prophet in his own house. It was God who caused the mantle to fall (2 Kings 2:13) even as Elijah was carried up in a whirlwind. Major impartation that matters to destiny don’t usually come cheap. They must be doggedly and persistently pursued till the end. There is a high price attached to the mantle of power, excellence, prosperity, glory, etc, especially if it is coming in a double portion. For every Moses, there is a Jethro. For every Timothy, there is a Paul. For every Esther, there is a Mordecai. For every Saul, there is a Samuel, and of course, for every Elisha, there is an Elijah, just to mention but a few.

Though the topic of spiritual father and spiritual son has been highly bastardized in our generation, nevertheless, that is the protocol by which God uses in raising men; that is the pathway of transfer of generational mantles. Dear Christian, all the graces you are looking for is right here on planet earth. May your eyes open to discern the carriers of such graces and dimensions.

How do you tap into the grace of a spiritual father? You sow and/or serve them.

Beware: You may not get to choose your spiritual father, you have to discern him. Your don’t get to choose your spiritual father, you discover him by revelation.

Quote: Without the virtue of humility, you may not get to discern nor partake of a flowing grace.

Prophetic DecreeYou will not miss the mantle that will push your life forward, in Jesus name. 

Prayer Focus

1. Thank you Father for your hand of power and grace, in Jesus name.

2. Holy Spirit, please sharpen my sense of discernment, in Jesus name.

3. I receive the grace to humble myself. I will not miss the father sent to birth me into destiny, in Jesus name.

4. O Lord, help our fathers to manage their weaknesses, in Jesus name.

5. I receive grace to be dogged, resolute and persistent in my pursuance of higher grace and higher mantle, in Jesus name.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR:  Zephaniah 1-3

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