DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post July
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Thursday, 15th July, 2021

Bible Reading:  1 Samuel 2:26, Luke 2:52, Proverbs 3:4

Memory Verse: “And God granted Daniel favour and mercy before the prince of the eunuchs” Daniel1:9 (DBT)

Dear brethren, there are different dimensions of favour and there are levels in the School of favour. Favour can be earned. Favour can be triggered/provoked; and favour can be given/bestowed from God upon an individual. If as a worker, you’re dutiful, skillful, and diligent, all things being equal, your boss will favour you. That type of favour was earned by correct positioning and hardwork. But, here was a man who stood before a panel of interviewers with many more qualified candidates than himself, and the chairman of the interview kept saying, “I like your handwriting”. Handwriting? Without looking much at his qualifications, he was employed. That is an higher dimension of favour called Supernatural Favour. We need it, friends. Like the oil upon Aaron, should heaven rub favour upon your head today, the dimension of results your life begins to command will be uniquely different.

Friends, you must crave for a higher dosage of favour that will make you subdue life. This is what happened to the children of Israel in the land of Egypt. Exodus 11:3a says, “And the LORD gave the people favour in the sight of the Egyptians.” The Egyptian did not like the Israelites but they couldn’t resist giving them their gold when their time of exodus came. That’s strange favour. That’s supernatural favour.  When God anoints your head with the Oil of supernatural favour, you will rule in the midst of your enemies (Psalm 110:2). That’s supernatural favour. That’s uncommon favour. When the Lord anoints your head with the oil of gladness in your company, school, place of work, in a competition, within your family, etc, above your contemporaries, that’s supernatural uncommon favour (Psalm 45:7). When the Lord prepares a table before you even in the presence of your enemies. That’s supernatural favour. I hear a sound of supernatural favour from heaven. Today, enter into supernatural favour in all that you lay your hands upon and wherever the soles of your feet shall step, in Jesus name.



Quote:  Favour flavours. 

Prophetic Decree: Receives an aroma of divine favour everywhere you go, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus

1. God of favour, I thank You.

2. I charge up the heavens of my life with supernatural favour, in Jesus name.

3. Fresh oil of favour, fall upon my head and break long time bondage, limitations and ancient altars slowing down my destiny speed, in Jesus name.

4. By the Oil of favour, I run through a troop and I leap over a wall, in Jesus name.

5. Favour that will make me a sudden millionaire in dollars, locate me by fire in all wisdom and self-control, in Jesus name.

6. My Father, rub your perfume of divine favour upon me, in Jesus name.

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