DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post March
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Friday, 10th March, 2023

Bible Reading: 2 Corinthians 1:4, Galatians 6:17

Memory Verse Who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God. 2 Corinthians 1:4 (NIV)

Discuss 3: Once settled in New York, he sent for Anna Murray, a free Black woman from Baltimore he met while in captivity with the Aulds. She joined him, and the two were married in September 1838. They would have five children together. In New Bedford, Douglass began attending meetings of the abolitionist movement. During these meetings, he was exposed to the writings of abolitionist and journalist William Lloyd Garrison. The two men eventually met when both were asked to speak at an abolitionist meeting, during which Douglass shared his story of slavery and escape. It was Garrison who encouraged Douglass to become a speaker and leader in the abolitionist movement. By 1843, Douglass had become part of the American Anti-Slavery Society’s “Hundred Conventions” project, a six-month tour through the United States. Douglass was physically assaulted several times during the tour by those opposed to the abolitionist movement.

Lesson 3: Don’t waste your pain. Yesterday’s pain are instructions in coded format for your future. Draw from them in the pursuit of your future assignments. That’s how God raise men. From the travails and subsequent comfort of yesterday’s pain and mistake, comfort your brethren (2 Cor. 1:4).

Discuss 4: In one particularly brutal attack, in Pendleton, Indiana, Douglass’ hand was broken. The injuries never fully healed, and he never regained full use of his hand.

Lesson 4: There are attendant challenges even in the place of your assignment. There are no challenge free zone on earth. Whether Jesus is in your boat, or Jonah is in your boat, storms are bound to arise. But, with Jesus in your boat, your storms shall surely be converted to testimony.

Quote:  Many times, our life’s ultimate assignments are cumulative effects of our many years on earth summed up into one. Learn to be a very good student of your own life.

Prophetic Decree: May God reap from His many investments over your life, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus

1. Thank you Father for your love and mercies.

2. I receive grace to convert my pain for gain in my generation, in Jesus name.

3. May my life be a cistern younger generation can drink from, in Jesus name.

4. Lord, help me to carry my Cross daily, in season and out of season, in Jesus name.

5. Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I invite you personally into the boat of my life today, please go with me in the journey of my destiny.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Numbers 35-36

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